When & when NOT to use “MAKE” in English

When & when NOT to use “MAKE” in English

When & when NOT to use “MAKE” in English

Some verbs are used in different contexts in English. For example, the verb “make” can be used in many contexts, such as when you create something, when you choose something or come to a decision, and even when you kiss someone! With all these usages, it may be confusing for you to understand when and when not to use the verb “make”. In this lesson, I will teach you exactly when you can and cannot use the verb “make”, so that you get it right every time. After watching, solidify your knowledge by doing the quiz at https://www.engvid.com/when-when-not-… Yes, solidify!


0.08 -> Rawr.
1.08 -> Yeah, I'm jumping a lot.
3.649 -> So, in English we have a verb called "make", and probably in your language you also have
13.5 -> a verb that you use as "make", but maybe it's the same verb; like in Portuguese: "fazer".
20.3 -> Oh, I hope I said that right.
22.789 -> So, it's very, very, very, very, very, very confusing about, in English, when to use the
29.92 -> verb "make" and when to not use the verb "make".
34.44 -> So, I've made-oo-a lesson for you with some really easy examples of when not to use the
43.46 -> verb "make" and when to use the verb "make".
46.8 -> Johnny, this is for you.
48.78 -> Thanks for your help.
51.94 -> Let's do when not to use it, okay?
54.49 -> So, we don't say: "I made a boyfriend" or "a girlfriend", or: "I want to make a boyfriend"
64.41 -> or "a girlfriend".
65.58 -> This would be the dream of everyone because if you could make a boyfriend or a girlfriend,
70.61 -> that means that I would create the perfect specimen of a man.
75.63 -> So, I would make a boyfriend and he would be perfect.
78.54 -> So, unfortunately, we cannot do this, but we use the verb "get".
85.43 -> So, in your language, maybe naturally you want to say: "I made a boyfriend."
92.55 -> In English, you'd have to say: "I got a boyfriend", in the past tense, or: "I will get a boyfriend"
102.04 -> or "girlfriend" - maybe both.
104.12 -> Good.
105.12 -> Do whatever you do.
106.159 -> So, don't use "make"; use "get".
109.22 -> When you are doing exercise, you do not need to say: "I will make exercise" or "I made
119.53 -> exercise".
120.53 -> "Exercise" is actually a verb - yay.
124.31 -> So, you can say, past tense: "I exercised yesterday" or "I will exercise".
132.29 -> An example of one kind of exercise is called a "push-up".
137.3 -> A "push-up" is when: "Oh, I... no...
139.49 -> I'm going to do one."
140.68 -> I just did a hundred.
142.9 -> Yay.
143.9 -> Did you see them?
144.9 -> Yeah, you did.
145.9 -> Okay.
146.9 -> So, "push-ups" are when you push yourself up off the ground.
151.12 -> So, we don't say: "I made a push-up"; we can use the verb "do".
157.54 -> So: "I do push-ups", or past tense: "I did push-ups".
163.53 -> You can say: "I do exercise" or "I did exercise", but again, it's not necessary because "exercise"
174.36 -> is a verb.
175.65 -> A "push-up" is a noun, so we definitely need a verb with that, so: "I do" or "I did push-ups".
182.91 -> Every year on your birthday you become older.
187.739 -> We do not say, for example: "I made 21."
190.51 -> I'm going to be 22 next year.
195.84 -> Yay.
196.84 -> See, that makes more sense, though, doesn't it?
199.71 -> Because you didn't die so you actually made the year - yeah!
203.4 -> But we don't say that; English is more confusing.
206.17 -> We say: "I will turn 22".
209.78 -> Or, past tense: "I turned 22."
213.83 -> We don't say: "I make 22".
216.24 -> Next one: "Makeup".
219.09 -> Now, "makeup" is a noun.
222.25 -> "Makeup" is cosmetics.
223.81 -> Okay?
224.81 -> So, I hear a lot of people say: "Today I makeup."
230.39 -> You make up what?
231.39 -> What did you make up?
232.39 -> So, if you said: "I made something up" it means in your brain it was a fantasy.
236.08 -> So, if you're talking about cosmetics, you need to use the phrasal verb: "put on".
244.18 -> You could say: "applied", but that's very formal.
247.18 -> So, you... you guys need to say: "I put on makeup."
251.959 -> You can't just say: "I makeup."
255.54 -> You are makeup?
256.54 -> Oh my God.
257.54 -> What are you?
258.56 -> Next one: "homework".
259.709 -> Oh, do you like homework?
261.419 -> Yeah, do it.
263.11 -> Okay?
264.11 -> And a test.
265.37 -> You cannot make homework.
270.569 -> You cannot make a test.
272.97 -> If you are a student, you do homework or you do a test.
279.05 -> Now, because I get to be a teacher, I make homework and I make the tests.
287.439 -> So, this means that I create the homework and I tell you to do it, or I make the test
294.889 -> and you do the test.
296.719 -> You can substitute the verb "write" also for a test; but in North America, we say: "I do
302.81 -> a test" or "I do homework".
304.219 -> So, your teacher makes the homework or makes the test, and you do it.
310.599 -> Did you do your homework?
313.11 -> Don't do your homework; it's boring.
316.46 -> Sex - woo-hoo.
318.53 -> Maybe in your language you say: "I made sex".
322.849 -> Well, that's weird.
324.919 -> We say: "I have" or "I had sex".
329.449 -> "Make", sure.
330.819 -> English, you say: "I made a baby" because you actually created it, but we don't just
340.129 -> say "sex"; we actually say: "have sex".
343.229 -> And we don't say: "do sex"; that's funny.
345.089 -> "I want to do sex" - no, don't say that.
348.349 -> So, we say: "I want to have sex".
350.539 -> Next one: "Luggage".
352.83 -> So, "luggage" means you put all your crap into a suitcase or a bag, and this becomes
359.46 -> your luggage.
360.46 -> So, you can say: "luggage" or "baggage".
361.869 -> You don't say: "I made my luggage".
365.96 -> We have a special verb only for "luggage" and other things; we can say: "pack".
373.119 -> So, maybe you are going to go on a trip and you say: "Oh, I have to pack my luggage";
380.02 -> you don't make the luggage, you don't do the luggage.
383.18 -> Do you know what it means if you say: "I do my luggage"?
387.009 -> It means that you have sex with your luggage.
389.27 -> Do you do that?
391.449 -> If you have sex with your luggage, then that's fine but it's kind of strange; and don't tell
396.71 -> people, okay?
397.71 -> So, we pack our bags or we pack our luggage; we don't make it.
404.199 -> Everyone clear now?
406.12 -> We have to be careful with the verb "do" because "do" implies sex.
411.77 -> If you do some strange things, that's fine.
415.02 -> Okay?
416.629 -> Then we have in your language, maybe you don't use the verb "make", but we do.
421.449 -> English just gets more and more confusing the more you learn it - that's why I'm here
425.889 -> to help you.
427.009 -> So, when we should use "make" or "made" in English.
431.509 -> Now, in Portuguese, you guys might say: "I take a choice.
437.559 -> I take a decision."
438.839 -> I like that; that's cute, but we don't say that.
443.699 -> Portuguese makes more sense.
444.99 -> In English, we make a choice, we make a decision, and we can also make mistakes or a mistake.
457.979 -> This is how English confuses you because I just told you that you don't make a boyfriend
464.409 -> or a girlfriend, but for a friend somehow we are able to make friends.
471.49 -> Thank you, English, for being super-confusing.
473.129 -> So, you can make a friend, you can make a new friend, but you cannot actually make a
479.439 -> boyfriend or girlfriend.
480.979 -> I don't know.
483 -> I don't know.
485.029 -> We "make a commitment".
488.27 -> If you make a commitment, it's like you're making a promise to someone, like: "I promise
493.629 -> to love you forever."
494.719 -> So, we make this; we create this.
498.28 -> We can also make your bed.
502.969 -> This doesn't make sense to me.
504.91 -> When you look at the base of the word... the verb "make", it basically means to create
510.52 -> something.
511.52 -> So, logically, you make a cake.
513.21 -> Okay?
514.21 -> You have eggs and flour - put it together-magic; dunh-dunh-dunh-you have made or created a
519.479 -> cake.
520.479 -> But we have to say: "I'm going to make my bed."
524 -> Now, you are not constructing a bed.
529.07 -> To make your bed you're actually taking the covers and putting them back straight.
535.99 -> Personally, waste of time I think; I'm not going to make my bed in the morning - I'm
541.09 -> just going to get back into that thing and make it messy again, but it looks nice.
546.51 -> So, we don't do your bed because that would mean you would have sex with your bed; not
555.14 -> in, but with your bed.
556.63 -> So, you actually have to make your bed.
558.28 -> So, you make the sheets all nice and beautiful and... okay.
562.69 -> We can also "make food"; "prepare" and "make".
567 -> We prepare food, but more naturally we would say: "I make food".
570.79 -> "I will make dinner" - this means: I will prepare it or cook it.
576.51 -> And then when we eat it, we use the verb "have": "I will have dinner" or "have lunch".
581.51 -> So, first we make it, or cook it, or prepare it, and then we eat it - that's the best part.
590.38 -> You can "make a presentation".
593.72 -> This means you are collecting the information and you're actually writing a presentation.
600.04 -> So, maybe your friend says: "Hey.
602.13 -> Hey, let's do something tonight", and you say: "No, I can't.
605.34 -> I have to make a presentation."
610.32 -> Then the next day you are going to "do the presentation".
616.42 -> "Do the presentation" means you actually stand up in front of all those people who are staring
623.8 -> at you and you - blah; and you speak.
628.471 -> You talk about the presentation that you have made.
630.95 -> So: "Make a presentation" means to prepare something; "do the presentation" means to
637 -> actually speak.
638.03 -> So, in this for English we can use two verbs.
641.78 -> And the last one is a phrasal verb: "make out".
645.84 -> Do you know what "make out" means?
648.6 -> "Out".
649.6 -> Out, leave - go; bye.
650.9 -> "Make in", "make out".
652.18 -> So, "make out" basically means you kiss someone for a long time.
658.98 -> Hopefully not your mother or your father.
660.86 -> Okay?
661.86 -> That's kind of gross.
662.86 -> But, again, whatever you do, that's fine.
664.11 -> If you "make out with someone", it means you kiss someone, you touch them for a prolonged
669.88 -> period of time.
672.31 -> And then maybe, maybe, maybe after that you can have sex.
675.86 -> I don't know.
676.86 -> That's your choice, again.
678.36 -> But please don't have sex with your bed.
680.27 -> Okay?
681.27 -> Don't do your bed, and don't do other things because that's weird.
686.75 -> "Make" - sometimes we use; sometimes we don't.
690.05 -> If you're confused about it, welcome to English language.
693.97 -> But I want to help you, so if you have questions about when to use "make", when not to use
698.86 -> "make", please write them in the comments, subscribe to my channel, and I'll help you
704.86 -> as long as you make a donation.
706.7 -> Bye.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wW2Dra6jCC4