History Explored: Ancient Civilizations Around the World | EXPLORE MODE

History Explored: Ancient Civilizations Around the World | EXPLORE MODE

History Explored: Ancient Civilizations Around the World | EXPLORE MODE

In this episode of Explore Mode, we are diving into four of the oldest civilizations in the world: Ancient Mesopotamia, the Indus River Valley Civilization, the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Mayans. \r

Willow And The Light, Night Cave, Kumasi Groove Plus Flugelhorn and Firesong
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


Mesopotamian Civilization\r
   • วิดีโอ  \r

Indus Valley Civilization
   • Mohenjo Daro 101 | National Geographic  \r

Ancient Egyptian Civilization

Mayan Civilization\r
   • Ancient Maya 101 | National Geographic  

Produced by Sofia K.
Edited by Amanda Lee
History Explored: Ancient Civilizations Around the World | EXPLORE MODE


0 -> first things first how exactly do we
2.61 -> define our civilizations we're going to
5.67 -> source National Geographic for this one
7.649 -> according to them
9.24 -> civilizations share the following
11.07 -> characteristics they have large
13.559 -> population centers they have monumental
16.109 -> architecture and unique art styles they
18.6 -> have shared communication strategies
20.46 -> they have systems put in place for
22.47 -> administering territories they have a
24.66 -> complex division of labor and they have
27.06 -> social and economic class divisions
29.269 -> you'll also notice that most if not all
32.13 -> civilizations flourished around bodies
34.23 -> of water that's just because water
36.18 -> equals natural irrigation source of
38.579 -> drinkable water natural plumbing you get
41.43 -> the gist
42.35 -> you're watching Explorer mode and today
44.879 -> we're diving into four of the oldest
46.98 -> civilizations in the world let's start
50.219 -> with the oldest civilization ever the
52.739 -> Mesopotamian civilization the
55.35 -> civilization emerged between the Tigris
57.329 -> and Euphrates rivers in the Middle East
59.52 -> more specifically in modern-day Iraq and
62.37 -> Kuwait it lasted from 3500 BC to 500 BC
66.84 -> and it's known as the cradle of
69.119 -> civilizations due to the many early
71.34 -> societies and empires that arose from it
73.68 -> which include the Sumerians Acadians
76.2 -> Persians Babylonians and Assyrians human
80.61 -> settlements in Mesopotamia date all the
82.56 -> way back to the Paleolithic era known as
85.259 -> the period of early human cultural
87.299 -> development and boy did the missive
89.46 -> retainment people develop in the year
92.34 -> 3500 BC the Mesopotamian city of Urich
95.729 -> had a population of around 80,000 people
98.549 -> making it the largest city of its time
101.329 -> Mesopotamians had other things going on
103.68 -> too they were dabbling in metalwork
105.899 -> literature textile weaving irrigation
108.95 -> agriculture the wheel sailboats Cunnane
112.5 -> form text which is one of the earliest
114.63 -> writing systems in human history the
116.7 -> sexagesimal math system which we
118.95 -> continue to use today to define time
120.689 -> astrological measurements and even
122.909 -> geographical coordinates
124.96 -> this is a perfect time to shout out to
128.05 -> our previous video on the history of
129.61 -> timekeeping we cover how the Sumerians
131.98 -> use a sexagesimal system early
133.99 -> timekeeping methods modern timekeeping
136.18 -> devices etc etc click on the card or
139.51 -> check out the description box below
141.04 -> if you want to learn more they also
143.8 -> created the code of hammurabi one of the
146.35 -> earliest and best preserved written
148.45 -> legal codes created by king Hammurabi
150.43 -> who reigned from 1792 to 1750 BC during
155.14 -> the Babylonian dynasty actually let's
157.989 -> get into an explorer fact you know the
160.239 -> old saying an eye for an eye yeah that
163.15 -> was an actual law in the Code of
164.83 -> Hammurabi
165.52 -> law number 196 stated if a man destroys
169.39 -> the eye of another man they shall
171.31 -> destroy his eye this kind of law is
174.04 -> known as Lex talionis or law of
176.5 -> retaliation essentially the punishment
179.29 -> of an unlawful act needs to be
181.239 -> equivalent somehow to the offense
183.1 -> committed the Code of Hammurabi didn't
185.86 -> just cover eye destruction either
187.9 -> there are 282 laws carved onto the
191.59 -> diorite stella covering agriculture
194.11 -> property damage murder marital affairs
197.64 -> extramarital affairs women's rights
200.2 -> whatever that meant at that time slave
202.87 -> rights wages slander trade and many more
207.66 -> speaking of trade the first
209.739 -> long-distance trade took place between
211.36 -> Mesopotamia and the Indus River Valley
213.22 -> Civilization the next civilization up in
215.83 -> our list this civilization is named
218.2 -> after the river system it was located
220.209 -> around which is now modern-day northeast
222.28 -> Afghanistan Pakistan and Northwest India
225.459 -> its existence spanned from the year 3300
228.489 -> to 1300 BC like the Mesopotamians the
232.09 -> Indus River Valley Civilization also had
234.22 -> a writing system called the Indus script
236.56 -> there is one problem though no one has
239.739 -> been able to decipher their script
241.65 -> therefore the knowledge we have today on
243.88 -> the civilization is heavily reliant on
245.95 -> archaeological evidence luckily for us
248.68 -> the civilization left a lot behind
250.95 -> including two of its major cities
254.16 -> hanjo daro and Harappa the remains of
257.459 -> these two cities show extraordinary
259.07 -> organization engineering urban planning
262.05 -> and architecture for their time both
264.6 -> cities were built on a grid based design
266.73 -> and their buildings were made of bricks
268.47 -> clay bricks and Harappa and fired and
270.84 -> mortar brick in landed aru mohenjo-daro
273.69 -> was the largest of the two cities
275.46 -> covering five hundred acres in fact it's
278.4 -> the largest city of the civilization and
280.62 -> one of the largest urban centers of the
282.45 -> ancient world the city is divided into
285.03 -> two areas the Citadel and the Lower City
287.66 -> the Citadel contains one of the most
290.37 -> remarkable archeological remnants of the
292.71 -> city an 83 square metre bathing pool fed
295.8 -> by the Indus River called the great bath
297.93 -> which leads us to the explore fact for
300.21 -> the civilization sanitation sewage
303.33 -> management and water systems are three
305.67 -> things that the people of the Indus
307.05 -> River Valley Civilisation had in check
309.15 -> mohenjo-daro alone had 700 freshwater
312.51 -> wells inside its walls but the most
314.49 -> remarkable development of the Indus
316.02 -> River Valley civilization was its
317.52 -> drainage system most buildings and homes
320.01 -> had their own bathrooms which were in
321.87 -> turn connected to a centralized drainage
323.73 -> system connected by several break made
325.68 -> underground drains by the force of good
328.35 -> old trusty gravity waste would be
330.15 -> carried out of the city or into large
332.31 -> suspects that would be periodically
334.11 -> emptied keeping their homes and city
336.27 -> squeaky-clean oh and how do we know they
340.05 -> traded with the Mesopotamians well long
342.12 -> story short archaeological evidence
344.34 -> shows that in distillery and large seals
346.68 -> with none other than in descript on them
348.93 -> have been found in Mesopotamian
350.49 -> territories suggesting that these two
352.35 -> civilizations were in fact connected and
354.39 -> making business together at the same
357.39 -> time mohenjo-daro was being constructed
359.55 -> around five thousand and eighty
361.26 -> kilometres to the west pyramids were
363.57 -> being raised that brings us to our next
365.94 -> civilization the ancient Egyptian
368.58 -> civilization you've probably heard of it
370.86 -> a lot can be said about the ancient
373.44 -> Egyptians most of which has been
375.45 -> extensively yet questionably covered by
378.18 -> Hollywood although we can't blame them
380.94 -> for being obsessed with the Egyptians
383.07 -> not only is the civilization arguably
384.84 -> one of the most artistically developed
386.46 -> but it also went through vast
388.02 -> transformations over the millennia
390.09 -> there's a lot to say about the Asian
392.64 -> Egyptians so we'll run you through some
394.56 -> basic facts there's still one more
396.45 -> civilization to go after all so basic
399.66 -> facts the Egyptian civilization grew in
402.45 -> the lower reaches of the Nile River and
404.79 -> what is currently modern-day Egypt its
407.01 -> history is divided into three periods
410.27 -> disclaimer the dates of these periods
412.77 -> vary depending on who you source and
415.08 -> whether or not they include certain
416.55 -> periods we're assigning the ancient
418.44 -> history encyclopedia for this the Old
421.29 -> Kingdom period spanned from two thousand
423.78 -> six hundred and thirteen BC to two
426.09 -> thousand one hundred and eighty-one BC
428.22 -> it's also known as the age of the
430.56 -> pyramid builders as it was during this
432.69 -> period that the Pyramids of Giza were
434.34 -> built specifically during the 4th
436.92 -> dynasty under the rule of Pharaohs
438.78 -> neferu Khufu Khafre and Menkaure in fact
443.67 -> the Sphinx was built for King Joffrey
445.77 -> and the Great Pyramid of Giza for King
448.23 -> Khufu himself
449.39 -> then came the Middle Kingdom which
452.31 -> lasted from 2040 BC to 1782 BC many
458.49 -> reforms took place during these years
460.59 -> but this period mainly stands out for
462.9 -> its literary and artistic growth
465.05 -> Egyptian glyphs became widespread and
467.55 -> used to tell stories during this time
469.32 -> the New Kingdom which spanned from 1570
473.22 -> BC to 1069 BC is probably the most well
477.66 -> documented period of Egyptian
479.43 -> civilization due to the expansion of the
481.41 -> ancient Egyptian written language that
483.12 -> took place in the previous period the
485.52 -> pharaohs who reigned during this period
487.2 -> are among the most well known today
489.45 -> these include Akhenaten and his wife
491.67 -> Nefertiti King Tutankhamun who became
494.49 -> famous after his tomb was discovered in
496.44 -> 1922 and Ramses the great these larger
500.91 -> periods were interrupted three times by
503.13 -> smaller intermediate periods but maybe
505.8 -> that's another
506.96 -> on its own the ancient Egyptians also
509.81 -> had a lot to do with the history of
511.669 -> timekeeping sundials the water clocks
514.13 -> and the division of the days all came
515.93 -> from them want to learn more you know
518.36 -> where the car button is next on our list
521.089 -> is another civilization with a thing for
523.219 -> pyramids the Mayan civilization one of
526.76 -> the most prosperous pre-colonial peoples
529.01 -> in the Americas and know before you ask
532.04 -> they did not protect the end of the
533.72 -> world
534.08 -> long story short their Long Count
536.24 -> calendar stopped in 2012 because it
538.339 -> marked the end of a period did it
540.08 -> signify the end of the world in the
541.61 -> beginning of the apocalypse
542.899 -> no glad we got that out of the way
545.57 -> moving on Mayan people settled in
549.5 -> southern Mexico and northern Central
551.3 -> America in around 1500 BC as the
554.51 -> civilization developed so did its cities
556.85 -> and religious buildings its largest
559.01 -> urban centers are Tikal located in
561.44 -> modern northern Guatemala copan located
564.26 -> in western Honduras and Palenque located
567.14 -> in southern Mexico each of which was
569.24 -> ruled by a king the Mayans were heavily
571.88 -> religious and their art and architecture
573.98 -> were deeply connected to their beliefs
575.66 -> most of the pyramids at the centre of
578.149 -> their cities had divine and astronomical
580.19 -> purposes as a matter of fact the Maya
583.399 -> were exceptional at mathematics and
585.5 -> predicting celestial movements let's
587.72 -> jump into an explore fact the Mayan
590.39 -> people were pretty darn good at a lot of
592.339 -> things first off they built complex
594.56 -> cities and temples without modern
596.27 -> inventions like the wheel they had their
598.459 -> own mathematical system and they
600.23 -> invented the concept of zero their
602.66 -> hieroglyphic writing system is the only
604.73 -> writing system developed by a
606.14 -> Mesoamerican civilization and their
608.27 -> calendar systems were extremely accurate
610.67 -> they could predict solstices and equip
613.07 -> psious and their calculations of the
615.14 -> lunar month were even more accurate than
617.18 -> those of Greek astronomer Ptolemy down
619.1 -> to the deaths of
620.35 -> their preferred method of astronomical
622.269 -> tool their eyes no really they used
625.749 -> naked eye astronomy which is pretty
627.91 -> impressive considering told me had
629.589 -> access to tools such as armillary
631.269 -> spheres and quadrants although the
634.6 -> ancient Mayan Empire eventually fell the
637.36 -> Maya people did not on the contrary they
640.66 -> have survived colonization and bloody
642.67 -> civil wars according to the ancient
645.459 -> history encyclopaedia there are 6
648.04 -> million of them today who continue
650.199 -> keeping this ancestral civilization
652.179 -> alive thanks for watching explore mode
655.899 -> if you liked this video hit the thumbs
657.67 -> up button also check out our playlist if
659.949 -> you want to explore more with us but
661.689 -> before you leave make sure to hit the
663.069 -> subscribe and bele buttons to get a
664.779 -> notification whenever we upload a new
666.399 -> episode see you next week and in the
668.649 -> meantime remember to keep your Explorer
670.509 -> mode on

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX6J0Gd2EC8