Earth Defense Force 5 Review

Earth Defense Force 5 Review

Earth Defense Force 5 Review

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0.071 -> Hey hey people, Sseth here.
1.674 -> I'm doing my part!
3.032 -> Are you?
3.666 -> The world is a bad place, and unfortunately:
6.379 -> it's gonna get worse before it gets better.
8.412 -> No, seriously, look out your window.
18.273 -> You are now a member of the Earth Defense Force.
21.001 -> Yesterday, you were just a civilian forklift operator/technician/mall cop/whatever this is.
27.886 -> But regardless, God is coming back to Earth.
30.374 -> He wants to make it a better place to live.
32.624 -> A world free of pollution, free of microplastics, free of vio-
37.062 -> Huh, well, okay, not that one.
39.115 -> But, uh, hey, that's two out of three.
40.944 -> Was there anything else?
43.349 -> Oh yeah, free of humans. You guys need to go.
46.277 -> Now, what are you gonna do about it?
47.884 -> You're gonna do your part.
49.515 -> With conflict comes war.
51.287 -> And with war comes the dreaded draft.
54.063 -> But I've got a tip just for you.
55.685 -> You can't get drafted if you get Enlisted™.
58.241 -> Enlisted™ is a World War II themed multiplayer shooter,
61.431 -> with a strong focus on historical authenticity.
64.07 -> We're doomed to repeat it anyway, so why not get acquainted with Enlisted™'s massive arsenal
68.879 -> of weapons, vehicles, locations, and fortifications.
72.375 -> With dynamic firefights always keeping you in the heat of action,
76.143 -> you'll have plenty of time to learn.
77.948 -> While many “college professors” would charge thousands of dollars for a “history degree”,
82.619 -> you can personally experience the horrors of war for the low, low price of completely free!
87.773 -> Just use my link in the description below or wait till the end of the video for a special offer.
92.447 -> Earth Defense Force started as an excuse for Sandlot to reuse assets from other projects.
97.304 -> However, in their quest for fast cash, they discovered something.
100.663 -> A new market force.
102.125 -> The primordial human desire for increasingly dangerous insecticide.
106.286 -> Listen, Raid is no longer enough.
108.533 -> We're living in the Garden of Eden, and the best way to defend it,
111.585 -> is to burn it to the ground.
113.173 -> As such, every EDF game is just the last game, but slightly better.
117.001 -> For example, the Ranger can now do this.
119.699 -> This franchise is in a constant battle to upstage itself and surprisingly,
123.961 -> it's still working.
124.869 -> This game is certifiably insane in the best sense of the word,
128.332 -> becausse nothing makes sense.
130.515 -> So hop in.
131.609 -> We've got aliens to fight.
132.911 -> But before you can play, you'll need to pick a class.
135.381 -> Here's a simple test to find out the right class for you.
138.423 -> Out of your friends, which are you?
145.133 -> If you've never played EDF before, pick the closest thing to normality.
148.842 -> The Ranger.
149.596 -> Every class shares one guiding principle.
152.191 -> I can't see anything and I have no idea what's going on.
155.12 -> Thankfully, the Ranger has access to the standard issue EDF windshield wiper:
159.489 -> The shotgun.
160.283 -> Which - is only the beginning.
161.577 -> EDF is a game of high explosives and higher explosives.
165.104 -> C4? Why stop there?
166.905 -> How about C20?
171.665 -> There we go.
173.382 -> Now, uh, go get 'em, champ.
177.873 -> Much like the currency of Zimbabwe, the explosives of EDF have experienced hyperinflation.
183.671 -> Because I have just unlocked C70.
186.463 -> Traditionally, tube-launched missile-based weapons platforms work by putting a rocket in the tube
191.108 -> and then firing it out of a tube.
192.755 -> However, this is no time for tradition.
194.812 -> Reloading is for chumps,
196.312 -> so, uh, we just cram like five in there at the same time.
199.2 -> What's the worst that could happen?
200.501 -> I mean, aside from small, unprovable changes in our reality.
203.947 -> Each time you fire that rocket, Nelson Mandela dies in a different date.
207.903 -> Each time you reload, the Berenstein Bears change once again.
211.788 -> And each time you hit the target, you do no damage because this is the post-nerf reality.
216.508 -> But that's okay.
217.586 -> Explosions don't even scratch the surface of what a Ranger can do.
220.83 -> Snipe your enemies from afar.
222.373 -> Minefield your enemies from up close.
224.319 -> Annoy your team with DNG grenades,
230.465 -> Wield the elemental powers of fire, acid, anime, and every flavor of Kool-Aid.
236.001 -> Or, the most powerful thing a Ranger can do...
238.82 -> Change class.
239.734 -> Yeah, sorry, I haven't been entirely forthcoming.
242.145 -> If you're playing multiplayer, there is no reason to pick Ranger.
245.383 -> And if you're playing single-player...
247.248 -> You know what, I completely respect that.
249.343 -> You do you.
250.055 -> Presumably, as a consumer of Japanese entertainment products,
253.333 -> no woman is physically present.
255.436 -> Or else, she would save you from your poor decisions,
258.32 -> physically punching the copy of Persona 4 out of your hands,
261.887 -> and freeing you from the path of a child predator.
264.659 -> But fear not.
265.676 -> EDF allows you to look upon the visage of a woman from a safe distance.
269.827 -> Introducing the Wingdiver.
271.487 -> If you're a Philistine, you might be upset because they removed her titty window.
275.358 -> But I've stared at this brapper for at least 50 man-hours.
278.683 -> So, imagine my surprise:
280.001 -> After 10 long years, she's finally wearing clothes.
283.672 -> Let this be a lesson, fellas.
285.329 -> If she says, "I'll be ready in 10 minutes," you've got plenty of time.
289.462 -> Take a nap, do your taxes, read a book.
291.822 -> But for the love of God, do not leave a car running.
294.677 -> Trust me, the money you save will be well worth it.
297.352 -> Why you, might even save enough to purchase - all the DLC.
300.699 -> Now, uh, who needs healing?
302.143 -> Yes, this is a completely necessary and unavoidable business expense.
306.001 -> And I will be deducting it for my taxes.
308.237 -> Now, uh, where were we?
309.675 -> Ah, yes, video games.
311.334 -> The Wingdiver has a jetpack.
313.107 -> The propellant is magic video game jet fuel,
316.309 -> which has the non-Euclidean properties of a single Romanian.
320.035 -> Virtually infinite,
321.088 -> and, given the chance, will asexually reproduce to maximum capacity.
325.119 -> This also powers her weapons.
326.859 -> Now, it may seem restrictive to fly and shoot with the same energy reserve,
330.411 -> but don't worry, that's why they come with internal magazines.
333.224 -> Or at least they used to.
334.282 -> But now some overworked, glue-huffing intern made almost every weapon charge-and-discharge,
339.717 -> which is great for single-shot weapons,
341.977 -> but for anything longer than that, it's like...
345.909 -> Oh, I guess I'm gonna be here for the next 20 minutes.
348.858 -> There's no way to know this in advance.
350.885 -> It's not a weapons stat.
352.052 -> You have to read through the descriptive paragraph for every gun,
355.717 -> to find out whether it's magazine-based or magazine-cringe.
358.831 -> Life must be hard in Japan.
360.919 -> "Father, father, when I grow up, I want to be a UX designer."
364.646 -> ""*GASP*, you bring this honor to our family!"
366.68 -> "No son of mine will ever create a good user interface!"
369.525 -> "Get these notions out of your head!"
371.484 -> "Now sit down for dinner!"
372.551 -> "Your mother made your favorite, tortured duck penis!"
375.506 -> Very nutritious.
376.556 -> The Fencer could be summarized as "Your motherfucking life ends..."
381.239 -> "30 seconds from now."
382.361 -> The Fencer is the polar opposite of a winged diver.
385.906 -> He's going to kill you eventually, given time.
388.271 -> But he's slow. Very slow.
389.752 -> But who cares when you can dual-wield anything?
392.001 -> Miniguns, mortars, missiles, melee weapons, shields, whatever you want.
396.503 -> Just remember, I lied.
398.001 -> He's not slow at all.
399.001 -> You get two slots for support equipment.
401.541 -> So, while the novice Fencer veers around uncontrollably,
404.621 -> the master Fencer just instant transmissions to where he needs to be.
407.887 -> I'm not a very good Fencer,
409.753 -> because I have brain rot from all the hours I spent playing Air Raider.
413.407 -> The Air Raider has guns, but more importantly, he has air strikes.
416.953 -> We're talking howitzers,
418.296 -> cannons,
418.693 -> bombers,
419.288 -> gunners,
419.788 -> orbital lasers,
420.612 -> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)bulge lasers( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°),
421.731 -> whatever your heart desires.
423.602 -> When something renders the game completely unplayable for anyone with screen shake on,
428.602 -> you know it's good.
429.623 -> EDF is fully aware that griefing teammates by your very presence
433.777 -> is a fundamental human right.
435.251 -> So now, Air Raider has a third weapon slot, and more importantly, the...
440.938 -> This game will inform you the status of every single air strike
444.438 -> in the current airspace.
445.668 -> That's the equivalent of telling me, a peaceful opium farmer in Iraq,
449.557 -> that there's a hellfire drone circling above me.
452.001 -> Believe me, I already know.
453.935 -> But hey, I know that when I'm incarcerated in a padded cell,
457.318 -> I'll be comforted by the sweet sound of
459.76 -> "This is DE-202. We're flying to cover the ground units again."
463.922 -> Who you calling a ground unit?
465.287 -> I'm taking to the skies.
466.529 -> [explosion]
467.283 -> Never mind.
467.927 -> The Air Raider has a wide array of vehicles to choose from,
470.532 -> provided they haven't already been stolen by the Ranger.
473.592 -> But I digress.
474.481 -> Here's a quick warning on handling.
476.207 -> Every motorcycle is completely unusable.
478.39 -> The depth crawler comes in clutch for underground missions,
481.249 -> but you might need a barf bag.
482.696 -> And finally, the the Armored Vehicle Grape,
485 -> is what happens when you sand your your tires for aesthetic effect.
488.001 -> Coincidentally, the Grape is the strongest vehicle in the entire game.
491.353 -> "Speed Vs. armor" isn't really a debate,
493.835 -> when a pack of spiders can unwind the fucking fabric of reality in about three seconds.
498.452 -> [Agony]
499.079 -> The Air Raider is described as a "support class,"
501.646 -> because I support my teammates into the afterlife.
504.226 -> You know what?
505.012 -> No.
505.408 -> I'm tired of these friendly fire jokes.
507.352 -> I no longer wish to be this person, this agent of chaos.
511.087 -> It's time to turn a new leaf.
512.531 -> Deploy the Roombas.
513.653 -> Every class has lock-on weapons, which reduce the risk of friendly fire.
518.147 -> And Air Raider has a suit of tools to make them even better.
521.001 -> Most of these you'll use once, realize they're absolute trash,
524.466 -> and never touch them again.
525.794 -> But how do you get these weapons in the first place?
528.445 -> Boxes.
529.272 -> Just like your unconscious roommate who's filled with delicious kidneys,
533.069 -> every alien is a veritable pinata of goodies.
536.001 -> Health pickups restore your health.
537.624 -> Weapon pickups give you weapons,
539.281 -> depending on a dice roll for some completely esoteric loot table,
542.777 -> And armor pickups give you +1 Max health permanently.
546.001 -> This system is garbage.
548.093 -> It sucks.
548.839 -> Nobody likes it.
549.824 -> It makes zero sense.
551.075 -> But EDF players aren't attracted to games that make sense.
554.587 -> They're attracted to drywall, and the taste of a homeless man's adrenaline,
558.14 -> as you chase him through the streets of New York.
560.678 -> These new unlocks allow you to create a wide variety of team builds,
564.485 -> based on the situation.
565.84 -> Finding out which situation you're in is a simple two-step process:
569.681 -> Do whatever you did last time, and get annihilated by some horseshit.
573.66 -> One brainstorming session later, and you'll figure it out.
576.471 -> Rinse and repeat until, much like my clothing,
579.115 -> the unending tide erodes away your very being.
582.243 -> Until you're no longer a man, but a lifeless husk,
585.778 -> driven by spite to beat just one more mission.
589.794 -> This is especially true of a DLC, which replaces gameplay with...
593.699 -> cock-and-ball tortureplay.
595.132 -> To aid your team's camaraderie in these dark times,
598.304 -> EDF has the most extensive voice command system you will ever see in your entire life.
602.85 -> And most of them have voice acting.
608.505 -> Remember, we might have 50-foot cruise missiles,
611.099 -> but the greatest weapon of all is hope.
613.635 -> When the situation is at its most dire,
615.918 -> it's on you to ignite the fires of hope...
618.863 -> with song.
629.824 -> The game - makes zero sense.
631.438 -> Surprisingly, so does the story.
633.118 -> This is a universe where everyone eats glue, including the aliens.
636.959 -> However, it is imperative that you understand the plot.
639.802 -> So, allow me to give you a quick rundown.
642.203 -> [inhales]
643.118 -> So, first you're a civilian,
644.288 -> but then giant ants show up, so they give you a firearm.
646.474 -> But when you get to the surface, it turns out there's an all-out alien invasion.
649.511 -> News commentators speculate on which country could be responsible,
652.559 -> as if it's already well known that Russia or North Korea
655.651 -> has like a few thousand battalions of ants ready to go.
658.811 -> More importantly, you need to get to safety.
660.522 -> Your sergeant is terrible at directions,
662.543 -> so wherever you go, you're never safe.
664.465 -> Suddenly, a new type of alien gets deployed.
667.001 -> To paraphrase the game dialogue,
668.711 -> "I... I can't shoot them. They're... they're just like us!"
672.095 -> And then you see what they're referring to,
673.734 -> and clearly it is indistinguishable from humanity.
676.549 -> Look, two arms, two legs, and a head.
679.065 -> My god.
680.247 -> It's a featherless biped.
681.673 -> The resemblance is uncanny.
683.56 -> Then, these guys get deployed and nobody says anything.
686.301 -> Who's getting the best head?
687.686 -> Post your comments in WeChat, and remember,
689.725 -> Chinese Taipei belongs to the CCP.
691.708 -> A giant battle takes place in Beijing,
694.141 -> where it's rumored that humanity has some kind of super weapon.
697.399 -> Also, Godzilla shows up.
698.763 -> This is completely unrelated to the plot.
700.695 -> Beijing defeats the invasion and reveals their super weapon.
704.749 -> Pollution.
705.397 -> No, I'm not making that up.
706.826 -> It's pollution.
707.732 -> Aliens are weak to air pollution,
709.515 -> and their blood contains microbes that scrub the air of all pollutants.
713.477 -> Late game also introduces green ants
715.757 -> that eat concrete and digest microplastic.
718.627 -> Another kaiju shows up.
720.129 -> Luckily, we have a giant mech for that.
721.955 -> It turns out the aliens are working with giant bees.
725.223 -> I have a small aneurysm, and get back to writing this review.
728.114 -> Science lady gets desperate and turns to mythology.
730.921 -> Apparently, ancient humans were created when God descended in an egg-shaped ship.
735.953 -> She gets immediately gaslit by the radio operator,
738.328 -> telling her, "That's ridiculous. We live in a real world, not fantasy."
742.069 -> "Get back to work."
742.974 -> Oh yeah, also, we need to find the egg-shaped command ship and, uh, blow it up.
746.394 -> A Pacific Rim bar fight ensues, for reasons unknown.
749.215 -> Then, I spent three missions killing a walking fortress.
752.001 -> I forgot why.
752.895 -> Probably because my blood alcohol was high enough to wipe out a family of four.
757.001 -> Or, my mind was preoccupied,
758.747 -> because you shoot the mothership and it turns into a biblically accurate angel.
763.071 -> And then, God, capital G, descends to Earth.
766.186 -> And what do they do?
767.701 -> They try to arrest him.
768.955 -> EDF tries to arrest God.
771.184 -> And God... resists arrest.
773.651 -> So, naturally, we have to murder God.
775.932 -> Yes, you kill God, because, after all, this is a Japanese role-playing game.
780.555 -> God is dead. God remains dead. and we have killed him.
784.09 -> And then, a New Vegas-style epilogue plays to tell you
786.932 -> that 90% of the world's population is fucking dead.
789.875 -> As for the remaining 10%, they're in India.
792.953 -> Please remember, this is the same nation where a politician tried to prove the safety of the Ganges River
797.98 -> by drinking its water.
799.169 -> Immediately, he was rushed to the ICU.
801.206 -> After hearing this, I hope you understand what I mean when I say that
804.412 -> EDF is a parallel universe where Down syndrome is normal,
807.717 -> and chromosomes work like Pokemon.
809.667 -> You collect them all, and they battle for dominance.
812.695 -> To close off, I'd like to share a story.
814.517 -> In elementary school, for some reason,
816.591 -> they put a special needs kid in the same class as us.
819.381 -> He really wanted to play with an action figure we had,
822.098 -> but we didn't let him.
822.97 -> Because, obviously, he's gonna destroy it.
825.338 -> So, he shoved it up his ass.
827.232 -> And now, no one could play with it, because no one wanted to.
830.719 -> And also, we were really superstitious at the time.
833.388 -> We thought that, uh, touching poop is how you catch AIDS.
836.041 -> And, for a pair of eight-year-olds, we were kinda half-right.
839.078 -> The homosexual apple does not fall far from the homosexual tree.
842.625 -> EDF, unintentionally, reveals a deep-seated truth about the human condition.
847.225 -> Aliens, if you ever dare invade our planet, we're gonna destroy it first.
853.793 -> Whoops, a 50mm Kampfwagenkanone shell just hit my neighbor.
858.033 -> I know that, because I've been playing Enlisted™ this entire time.
861.593 -> And, I need help!
862.749 -> Join for free, and use my link for three days of premium time,
866.493 -> and several orders for troops and weapons.
868.796 -> Where are we droppin'?
869.734 -> Anywhere!
870.303 -> Enlisted™ is available on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation,
873.278 -> with cross-platform support.
874.866 -> I'll see you on the front lines.
876.619 -> As always, more content to come, so stay tuned.
879.229 -> A warm thanks to the many members of the Merchants Guild,
882.001 -> generously funding and bankrolling these videos.
884.911 -> Except, I haven't had an opportunity to charge you.
887.528 -> But that will soon change.
888.798 -> You're all truly wonderful.
890.458 -> Have a good one.
