The Largest Bombs Ever Detonated In World History

The Largest Bombs Ever Detonated In World History

The Largest Bombs Ever Detonated In World History

The most destructive weapons that humans have ever made, bombs are capable of incinerating countless lives in an instant, or causing slow, painful deaths by radiation poisoning, even hundreds of miles away. These are the most powerful bombs ever used

#Bombs #Detonated #WorldHistory

The Grand Slam earthquake bomb | 0:00
America’s MOAB | 0:58
China’s MOAB | 1:57
Russia’s FOAB | 2:47
Little Boy | 3:31
Fat Man | 4:22
Mike | 5:16
Castle Romeo and Castle Yankee | 6:05
Castle Bravo, “The Shrimp” | 6:55
Nuclear tests 174 and 219 | 7:30
Tsar Bomba | 8:10

Voiceover By: Tim Bensch

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0.659 -> the most destructive weapons that humans
2.58 -> have ever made bombs are capable of
4.319 -> incinerating countless lives in an
5.94 -> instant or causing slow painful deaths
8.04 -> by radiation poisoning even hundreds of
10.08 -> miles away these are the most powerful
11.88 -> bombs ever used
13.62 -> toward the very end of World War II the
15.839 -> British developed what they called the
17.22 -> Grand Slam earthquake bomb a
19.02 -> staggeringly heavy device with terrible
20.64 -> destructive force weighing in at an
22.74 -> incredible 21 500 pounds this bomb was
25.8 -> first used against Nazi Germany on March
27.84 -> 14 1945. the Grand Slam evolved from its
31.14 -> powerful predecessor the tall boy and
32.88 -> sprung from the mind of engineer Barnes
34.68 -> Wallace a man responsible for the
36.3 -> bouncing bombs deployed by the famous
37.86 -> Dam Busters the bombs were so heavy that
40.02 -> only specially modified Lancaster
41.579 -> bombers were capable of even carrying
43.68 -> them the Force Unleashed by the Grand
45.239 -> Slam was capable of causing an
46.92 -> earthquake meaning just one bomb could
48.719 -> obliterate enemy infrastructure over a
50.579 -> large area whether or not the pilot
52.079 -> achieved a direct hit more than 40 Grand
54.239 -> Slams were used to devastate German
55.86 -> defenses in the war's closing days
58.559 -> the Massive Ordnance Air Blast or Moab
61.32 -> jokingly called the mother of all bombs
63.42 -> is the biggest non-nuclear weapon ever
65.159 -> used by the US in a combat situation the
67.439 -> 30-foot long device was deployed in the
69.24 -> mountains of Afghanistan via a cargo
71.04 -> plane in an attempt to wipe out a group
72.6 -> of Fighters aligned with the Islamic
74.159 -> State first developed in 2003 the U.S
76.619 -> military initially wanted to use the
78.119 -> Moab as a psychological weapon to scare
80.1 -> enemy Fighters it was never actually
81.659 -> used until 2017 when it was dropped on a
84.6 -> dangerous region of Afghanistan close to
86.4 -> the Pakistan border the area was riddled
88.38 -> with hard to reach underground tunnels
89.82 -> and rigged with explosives making the
91.619 -> area too dangerous to Traverse by ground
93.54 -> troops and provided the perfect
94.92 -> opportunity for America to test out its
97.02 -> mega bomb in the field during the early
98.4 -> days of the Trump Administration
100.979 -> really another 's asked for
103.619 -> very very
105.479 -> with an enormous blast radius of roughly
107.7 -> one mile in diameter the Moab is capable
109.92 -> of flattening many buildings at once
111.72 -> it's only suitable for use in specific
113.579 -> circumstances far away from civilian
115.74 -> centers
117.06 -> in 2019 China began testing its own
119.579 -> version of the so-called mother of all
121.14 -> bombs in an attempt to compete with
122.46 -> similar devices developed by Russia and
124.259 -> the United States China's Moab is just
126.479 -> one of a number of explosive weapons
127.979 -> that the country has developed in recent
129.479 -> years as part of their upscaling of its
131.16 -> military Arsenal China's defense
132.72 -> industry giant went so far as the
134.28 -> release of promotional video of the
135.72 -> enormous explosion their Moab produced
137.64 -> just to show it off according to the
139.5 -> economic Times of India it's been
141.12 -> rumored that the Chinese bomb is
142.379 -> thermobaric in nature thermobaric bombs
144.599 -> can have grisly effects on civilian
146.16 -> bystanders which include ruptured organs
148.379 -> and eardrums blindness and the
150.12 -> possibility of inhaling burning fuel all
152.34 -> while the victim is conscious many
153.9 -> people believe their use should be
155.34 -> considered a war crime however the
157.2 -> Chinese company Norinco which developed
159.12 -> the bomb has denied the accusation at
161.04 -> present it is believed that China's
162.42 -> moabs represent the most powerful
164.099 -> non-nuclear weapon the country has ever
165.9 -> developed
167.099 -> not one to be outdone for Firepower
169.2 -> Russia tested its very own super weapon
171.06 -> to rival America in 2007. the foam or
174 -> father of all bombs is Russia's answer
175.8 -> to America's Moab and it's four times
177.9 -> more powerful today it is quite possibly
180.12 -> the most powerful non-nuclear bomb in
182.04 -> existence unfortunately for its
183.78 -> potential targets Russia's foab is not
185.819 -> just a very big bomb it is also the
187.739 -> largest thermobaric weapon known to
189.599 -> humankind these terrifying explosives
191.64 -> are capable of creating a massive
193.26 -> Inferno by releasing a huge cloud of
195.239 -> fuel what's worse even those not caught
197.099 -> directly in the fiery blast can be
198.9 -> horribly injured or killed by the
200.4 -> massive vacuum left in the bomb's weight
202.14 -> given its scale the deputy head of the
203.879 -> Russian Armed Forces compared the impact
205.68 -> of the foam to a nuclear explosion
207.659 -> although some critics consider this to
209.4 -> be an exaggeration
211.14 -> the terrifying nuclear weapon with a
213.12 -> cutesy name little boy was the first of
214.92 -> two bombs dropped on Japan in 1945. the
217.56 -> weapon that leveled Hiroshima was
219.14 -> uranium-based and the explosion it
221.159 -> Unleashed was roughly the equivalent to
223.019 -> 15 000 tons of TNT the blast from little
225.78 -> boy was so massive that Paul Tibbetts
227.819 -> the pilot of the Enola Gay aircraft that
229.799 -> dropped the bomb felt the Shockwave hit
231.48 -> the plane as he flew away
233.159 -> and actually when the Shockwave hit me I
235.86 -> said there is Success Tibbetts further
238.44 -> recalled we saw this cloud of boiling
240.239 -> dust and debris below us with this
241.86 -> tremendous Mushroom on top beneath that
243.659 -> was hidden the ruins of the city of
245.04 -> Hiroshima this marked the first time a
247.019 -> nuclear weapon had ever been used on
248.7 -> people its effects were devastating 140
251.58 -> 000 people living in Hiroshima were
253.2 -> killed by the blast and the flattened
255 -> City resembled a pile of burned out
256.5 -> matchsticks many residents were
258.299 -> vaporized instantly While others died
260.28 -> from radiation sickness and cancer
262.86 -> Batman was the atomic bomb that the U.S
265.02 -> dropped on Nagasaki Japan on August 9
267.199 -> 1945. the US had already destroyed
269.52 -> Hiroshima three days prior but America
271.56 -> was determined to carry out a second
273.06 -> display of strength this
274.259 -> plutonium-powered device had a much more
276.24 -> complicated mechanism than its
277.74 -> uranium-powered brother with a more
279.36 -> powerful explosive force equal to around
281.22 -> 20 000 tons of TNT the big crew
283.74 -> scribbled here's to you and a second
285.18 -> kiss for hirokito on the metal casing
287.4 -> and signed their names before they sent
288.96 -> it off to cause massive destruction
290.58 -> originally the bomber was supposed to
292.38 -> drop the device on the city of kokura
294.18 -> but poor weather conditions caused a
295.86 -> last-minute change of Target the U.S
297.72 -> opted to drop Batman right away before
299.52 -> conditions changed again so they chose
301.62 -> Nagasaki although the second bomb was
303.72 -> bigger a timely evacuation order meant
305.759 -> that fewer people died at Nagasaki than
307.62 -> at Hiroshima but the death toll was
309.479 -> still staggering around 74 000 people
311.759 -> were killed by the effects of the Blast
313.38 -> by the end of 1945.
315.72 -> with the blessing of President Harry
317.22 -> Truman U.S scientists began to build the
319.259 -> first of several super bombs that would
320.82 -> outstrip those used in the war many
322.38 -> times over researchers began working
324.18 -> with hydrogen to create new more
325.979 -> sophisticated devices and by 1952
328.259 -> scientists had created the mic shot a
330.479 -> hydrogen bomb with an explosion that
332.039 -> proved to be 1 000 times bigger than the
333.96 -> device used at Hiroshima we have minutes
336.36 -> to go before the first class Mike shot
338.46 -> of
340.08 -> for safety's sake the 20-foot long
341.88 -> device had to be triggered from a ship
343.44 -> station 30 miles away during a period of
345.84 -> testing codenamed Operation Ivy Mike was
348.24 -> detonated on an atoll in the South
350.039 -> Pacific the test was so successful that
352.259 -> the island of Al luge lab which the bomb
354 -> was tested on was completely destroyed
355.919 -> in the blast the ensuing mushroom cloud
357.78 -> reached 135 000 feet and 100 miles wide
361.38 -> all the remains of the island today is a
363.419 -> ring-shaped hole as the Cold War got
366.12 -> hotter the bombs got bigger and between
367.979 -> 1946 and 1958 the U.S went through a
371.039 -> period of intense nuclear testing during
373.08 -> this period 67 hydrogen bomb tests were
375.6 -> carried out on the tiny Bikini Atoll in
377.759 -> the South Pacific Marshall Islands
379.139 -> Scientific American reports that the
381.06 -> area now has an extremely high rate of
383.039 -> cancers and strontium levels in the
384.9 -> islands remained freakishly High one of
387 -> those detonations was the so-called
388.56 -> Castle Romeo hydrogen bomb test one of
390.96 -> the biggest and most successful nuclear
392.639 -> experiments in history the explosion was
394.68 -> apparently so enormous that It produced
396.36 -> a 44 000 foot high mushroom cloud in
398.52 -> less than a minute the deadly ash cloud
400.259 -> that formed on top reached an incredible
402.18 -> 60 miles across and climbed to a
404.34 -> staggering 110 000 feet high the castle
406.979 -> Yankee shot was similarly enormous It
409.259 -> produced a 13.5 Megaton yield that
411.72 -> seriously damaged the plane flying
413.34 -> nearby to gather information
415.139 -> The Castle Bravo nuclear test Remains
417.539 -> the largest detonation by the U.S to
419.46 -> date when it was built the device was
421.199 -> nicknamed the shrimp and the test team
422.819 -> that blew it up was not expecting it to
424.62 -> be a record breaker the shrimp was a
426.18 -> lithium-duteride powered dry bomb and
428.28 -> was relatively tiny compared to wet
430.259 -> nuclear devices that had been filled
431.88 -> with liquid hydrogen Isotopes the design
433.919 -> of the new bomb proved to be shockingly
435.6 -> effective exploding with a force
437.34 -> equivalent to 15 megatons of TNT about
440.099 -> three times larger than expected
442.44 -> the top of the fireball at this time 40
445.74 -> seconds after detonation was five miles
448.319 -> above sea level
449.94 -> throughout the Cold War the USSR tested
452.28 -> a series of nuclear bombs on the small
453.9 -> archipelago of noveas and Leah in the
456.18 -> Arctic Circle according to a 2005 paper
458.34 -> published in science and Global Security
460.139 -> the 536 indigenous people living in the
462.96 -> archipelago had to be permanently
464.46 -> removed from the area before it was
466.02 -> transformed into a strange nuclear
467.639 -> Wasteland bombs were tested in the water
469.5 -> above ground and underground in the
471.479 -> region a un body dedicated to the study
473.639 -> of atomic radiation reported that Soviet
475.68 -> test bombs 174 and 219 were particularly
478.979 -> enormous outdoing Castle Bravo by an
481.44 -> alarming margin these bombs each
483.12 -> produced a yield of 24.2 megatons
485.699 -> dwarfing the American record of just 15
487.8 -> megatons
489.3 -> the RDS 2020 or Zar bomba the ussr's
493.259 -> king of bombs was the most destructive
495.12 -> weapon ever detonated and by a
497.039 -> comfortable margin this weapon's blast
498.84 -> was at least twice as powerful as
500.4 -> anything that came before it yielding a
502.379 -> 15 Megaton explosive force that
504.06 -> shattered windows in Finland and Norway
506.039 -> tested over the Arctic in 1961 the Tsar
508.68 -> Bomba had a complex three-stage
510.3 -> detonation mechanism designed to cause
512.039 -> maximum damage when the device was fired
514.26 -> the energy created by the initial Atomic
516.36 -> blast was compressed to create a second
518.339 -> supermassive thermonuclear explosion the
520.919 -> mushroom cloud that the bomb created
522.3 -> swelled to an extraordinary height up to
524.58 -> the stratosphere and the heat from the
526.26 -> blast could be felt 170 miles away the
529.08 -> crew who released the bomb were told
530.399 -> that their mission only had a 50 chance
532.32 -> of survival due to the height at which
534.12 -> the bomb was detonated The Fallout from
535.92 -> the explosion was blasted back into the
537.839 -> atmosphere by a Shockwave reflected by
539.76 -> the ground averting a potential
541.26 -> catastrophe Additionally the scientists
543.18 -> working on the bomb were aware of the
544.56 -> danger of radioactive fallouts so they
546.6 -> reduced the amount of fissionable
547.8 -> materials unfortunately there
549.3 -> replacement was lead but at least it
551.339 -> meant less media Fallout nonetheless the
553.68 -> project caused an international outcry
555.48 -> even the Soviets themselves seem to have
557.459 -> realized that they had gone too far this
559.2 -> time as the Tsar Bomba test was one of
561.06 -> the factors that led to the signing of
562.5 -> the partial nuclear Test Ban Treaty in
564.42 -> 1963.
568.32 -> foreign
