South Korea $1,000 Seafood Challenge!! Biggest Market in Korea!!

South Korea $1,000 Seafood Challenge!! Biggest Market in Korea!!

South Korea $1,000 Seafood Challenge!! Biggest Market in Korea!!


Big thanks to Joe (Instagram: @WanderingBicycle) for helping to make this Korea series possible. Follow his journey at @Wanderingbicycle

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📷 Sonny Side: @besteverfoodreviewshow
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0 -> in this video These are gigantic I will
4.14 -> attempt to spend well take a look at
5.46 -> this right here this is the fastest
6.779 -> moving Abalone I've ever seen one
8.519 -> thousand dollars on Seafood in Busan
11.099 -> South Korea got a bowl king crab right
13.139 -> here and she's about to take it apart oh
15.719 -> my God she just hit like a suplex on
17.82 -> that that's like an MMA move today's a
20.699 -> typical beautiful day in Busan overcast
22.56 -> cloudy gloomy depressing but look
25.26 -> there's the timing behind the fish
26.34 -> market that says
27.859 -> good for tourism today we're going to be
30.18 -> spending the day in John called cheat
31.619 -> seafood market this is the biggest
33.36 -> seafood market in all of South Korea I
35.88 -> can't verify but I'm gonna say it's even
37.44 -> bigger than the biggest seafood market
38.82 -> in North Korea as well so the biggest in
41.219 -> all the careers here's how it works on
43.379 -> the bottom floor you have a lot of
44.82 -> ladies selling their Seafoods they have
46.5 -> a myriad of different seafood options
48.36 -> we're gonna look for Unique interesting
50.219 -> and expensive Seafood once we buy the
52.2 -> seafood we can take it to a different
53.46 -> place within the market where they will
55.26 -> cook it I haven't been back to the Korea
56.82 -> since well before the pandemic and I am
58.8 -> excited let's get started
61.739 -> cool we've just had foot in the market
63.059 -> there are tons of vendors like this it's
65.22 -> super clean organized and actually
67.86 -> it smells pretty good too here one of
69.54 -> the first foods that stood out to me
70.68 -> this is a sea cucumber they're alive
72.9 -> it's in very cold water these are
74.82 -> actually interesting to eat they have a
76.2 -> very rubbery texture and when you pick
78 -> it up they squirt out a little bit of
79.5 -> juice
81.119 -> cute all right this one's almost fully
82.74 -> deflated you must be going through a
83.939 -> midlife crisis wow all right time to put
87.119 -> them back in the water so we can inflate
88.619 -> again there you go little buddy let's
90.659 -> keep moving
94.08 -> boom we've come to another vendor here
95.64 -> she has so many different things and a
97.32 -> lot of different shellfish right here
98.759 -> there's a pen shell the biggest one I've
100.5 -> ever seen they have Abalone sea
102.479 -> pineapples they have genus fish it's
104.64 -> called kabu any idea why they call it
106.32 -> then I mean says take a look oh my god
108.2 -> oh it's an active one oh no we got my
110.7 -> wife
112.28 -> take a look at this right here this is
114.299 -> the fastest moving Abalone I've ever
115.799 -> seen trying to make a break for it I'm
117.54 -> rooting for him you can do it get out of
119.1 -> this place get
120.119 -> mission
123.78 -> just kidding dreams destroyed and then
127.38 -> finally here we have something I love
128.88 -> but I've eaten it on camera so many
130.56 -> times I don't know if it's worth doing
131.76 -> it again but it's called it's not enough
133.2 -> G it's like a baby octopus
142.459 -> I haven't seen in many other countries
144.66 -> it is a flounder but there's a lot of
146.58 -> different flounders look at the new
147.78 -> flounder hunt a Little Mermaid
149.58 -> okay it looks like they took a special
151.8 -> submarine to school when it was younger
153.42 -> it's a weird looking flounder and so is
154.98 -> this that's the body but we want to see
156.84 -> the face so it's just like the bastard
158.819 -> hell of it it's got two eyeballs on the
160.92 -> one side of its head and then when you
162.48 -> flip it oh oh she's hitting her net so
166.2 -> you can see it's just like one side has
168 -> pigmentation the other side doesn't so
169.98 -> I'm gonna order two of these and then
171.54 -> we're gonna get some more Seafood too
172.8 -> the next step is to take them here and
174.42 -> to politely say good night
176.22 -> goodbye oh look at this she's throwing
178.2 -> in some bonus shrimp SWA
180.98 -> we've come to another cool spot with
183.3 -> this right here lots of cuttlefish this
185.22 -> one it's the biggest one in the whole
186.78 -> Market oh wow look at this creature it
190.56 -> sounds like an out of breath dog it kind
192.54 -> of changes colors a little bit as you
194.22 -> touch it what a remarkable animal and
196.44 -> soon that definitely live sentient
198.599 -> gasping creature is going to be turned
200.22 -> into Sashimi Sashimi hashimi
202.879 -> Thirty thousands wow that's about what I
205.2 -> expected but I'm gonna spend a thousand
206.58 -> bucks I'm gonna spend a lot more money
207.9 -> than this so I've just been told
209.22 -> actually he's gonna make the sashimi and
211.26 -> he's gonna make it right here oh that is
213.12 -> the ink sack and everything else all
215.04 -> taken out and removed looks like we're
216.48 -> keeping all of that but rinsing the ink
218.519 -> off now that he's got the skin removed
220.2 -> he's gonna peel the outside layer
222 -> [Music]
223.44 -> alas the thick cone of the Cuttlefish is
226.019 -> now being cut thin into a raw sashimi
229.019 -> and you can see the mussels are still
231 -> spasming although this creature is long
233.159 -> gone and its soul is up in cuttlefish
235.019 -> heaven
235.68 -> [Music]
239.7 -> you come upstairs and it's a very
241.319 -> different vibe less fish smell lots of
243.36 -> people hanging out eating drinking
244.799 -> having a good time I love it here there
246.54 -> are tons and tons of kitchens this is a
248.34 -> kitchen we brought our food to and
249.54 -> they're gonna make it up right now right
250.98 -> here we have the Cuttlefish legs and
252.299 -> these are going to be boiled or steamed
253.739 -> a little bit and then right here we have
255.18 -> the flounder those are being salted and
257.04 -> cleaned a little bit more and soon
258.239 -> they're gonna fry it oh we've got a
259.979 -> skillet full of hot oil flounder goes on
262.019 -> top and a second one right there oh
263.94 -> looks like you had a little bit of life
265.02 -> left in them not anymore don't worry
266.46 -> he's dead
270 -> right here we have our first course and
271.56 -> my God am I excited because this is a
273.36 -> lot of food right here first of all to
274.86 -> sit down you don't actually have to pay
276.18 -> money for them to cook the food but you
277.56 -> do have to pay 5001 per person to be
279.6 -> here and with that 5 000 they will cook
281.46 -> the food but they will also give you
283.08 -> some Pancha panchan or like Korean side
284.759 -> dishes we have some water kimchi peanuts
287.04 -> oops I ate some of those already some
288.24 -> steamed sweet potato this is samjong
289.919 -> sauce we have typical kimchi we have
291.6 -> some nice leaves and plants here we have
293.28 -> some chilies and whole garlic pieces for
295.199 -> our protein we have the Sashimi from the
297.12 -> Cuttlefish I've never seen Sashimi like
298.86 -> this cut down into almost like noodle
300.78 -> shaped then right here this is also part
302.46 -> of the Cuttlefish this was just simply
303.96 -> oiled up here here we have the flounder
306.24 -> now it's looking really different from
307.68 -> the flounder on The Little Mermaid wow
309.3 -> this meal requires a lot of explanation
311.04 -> right here soy sauce here this is
312.78 -> gochujango I'm gonna start with the
314.28 -> Cuttlefish legs
315.91 -> [Music]
318.479 -> oh yeah it's awesome pretty good it's
320.88 -> spicy it's a little bit sour too the
322.38 -> meat by now it is very dense and very
324.479 -> chewy
325.62 -> like you eat a plane virtually no flavor
327.479 -> I almost choked right here take a look
328.62 -> at this it's like a pasta I'm gonna hit
330.18 -> this with some soy sauce get it nice and
331.86 -> salty
335.6 -> oh it's so good it's different because
337.8 -> it's raw and so it's a little bit slimy
339.78 -> so it kind of slips down your throat
341.28 -> while you're eating it
343.5 -> a slight seafoodiness to it but it's
345.36 -> virtually flavorless it's all about the
347.1 -> texture it's very firm and finely at the
349.259 -> same time this is the flounder it's
350.82 -> cooked in such a way that it's like
352.02 -> crispy and fried on the outside but
354 -> almost like it's steamed in the center
355.56 -> the problem is if you take a loaf tons
357.66 -> and tons of Bones wait did I just do
360.12 -> something perfectly oh that was pretty
362.699 -> good so I got the bones on one side of
364.32 -> the meat on the other side give it a dip
365.759 -> in the soy sauce
367.35 -> [Music]
368.96 -> interesting whatever is green on there
371.22 -> is extremely bitter I'm gonna take the
373.199 -> skin off there is just the fish with a
375 -> little bit of skin no sauce
377.28 -> it's a very mushy fish the skin has a
378.96 -> good texture it's fatty it's just
380.28 -> there's something wildly bitter on there
382.259 -> and I don't love it look how crispy this
383.699 -> is give a little bit of a dip
387.74 -> the best bite very nice this is our
390.18 -> first course we're gonna do at least two
391.5 -> more the goal is to get to a thousand
393.24 -> dollars but that may not be easy so far
395.22 -> we're at under fifty dollars from here
397.02 -> I'm gonna go back downstairs and see
398.58 -> what more expensive Seafood I can find
402.9 -> meal one is complete and I am back on
404.759 -> the ground looking for more seafood and
406.74 -> I've come upon this right here A whole
408.9 -> basket of dangerous Black Sea Urchins so
412.08 -> they have these plugs which they're able
413.58 -> to move a bit you can see it's a little
414.96 -> belly button I believe they're gonna cut
416.46 -> it in half expose the naked eggs inside
418.86 -> and you can eat it
421.319 -> these things are dangerous because you
422.819 -> could be in the ocean swimming surfing
424.62 -> you step on it it's gonna like rule your
426.539 -> foot they're little dirts yeah I
429.24 -> centered myself don't worry about it so
430.62 -> I'm gonna buy this whole basket right
431.759 -> here one kilogram twenty thousand that's
433.62 -> more than I thought so right now he's
434.699 -> just gonna pack it away and upstairs
435.96 -> they're gonna cook it up for us we've
437.34 -> come to another stall here the biggest
438.84 -> tiger ponds I've ever seen in my life I
441.36 -> mean look at that that is like the size
443.16 -> of a lobster tail the word shrimp does
445.199 -> not even apply here they should call it
446.58 -> a
447.419 -> a media terrible joke
449.819 -> wow twenty thousand Korean Won it's wild
452.34 -> I have to buy it I have to see what it
453.72 -> tastes like all right bag it and we'll
455.039 -> take it with us
456.29 -> [Music]
467.34 -> for round two right here we are now
469.56 -> going to collect the biggest flat fish
471.06 -> we can find oh that one has some acne
472.919 -> this is a very unique fish you can see
474.78 -> the two eyes on the one side it's always
476.759 -> just looking up at people's butts and
479.3 -> fins because of its unique eye
481.62 -> configuration they're known as the
483.36 -> bastard halibut what a cool name all
485.46 -> right putting it in the basket guys I'm
487.02 -> putting my hand on the fish and I have a
488.819 -> big hand yeah go right there my hand
490.56 -> look how big that is you can see the
492.24 -> weight right here four point almost
493.62 -> three kilograms multiply that by 2.2 and
496.199 -> that's our fish so I just found out the
497.52 -> price of this fish is 147 000 a lot more
500.4 -> than I expected but that is a lot of
502.139 -> fish right here this is an old Japanese
503.699 -> style he's gonna shove the steel rod
505.919 -> into the spine now the fish is
507.599 -> completely dead but it's going to create
508.919 -> a reaction from the fish and I'm told
510.9 -> this is gonna make the meat even better
512.52 -> softer all the good things wow look at
514.44 -> the skill and precision someone who's
515.94 -> done this a thousand times before that
517.86 -> is a massive fillet right there so next
519.899 -> time we see this guy it's gonna be cut
521.58 -> into little bitty pieces and draped down
523.44 -> over a plate or maybe multiple plates
525.3 -> we're gonna need a bigger plate that's a
526.8 -> big fish we're back we're in a brand new
528.66 -> kitchen right now we're about to cook up
530.1 -> this shrimp let's go so today our shrimp
532.08 -> is going to get a nice gentle steaming
533.76 -> right here in this pod next time we see
535.68 -> him he'll be looking nice and pink right
537.36 -> here we have all of our sea urchins one
539.1 -> by one they slice them in half almost
540.6 -> breaking them revealing these big
542.519 -> beautiful eggs inside after cutting it
544.62 -> open they give it just a little bit of a
545.88 -> rinse and then that is then you go on
547.26 -> our platter and we're gonna try it out
548.459 -> too
549.35 -> [Music]
552.06 -> we have our second course right here and
553.8 -> the most expensive so far it's actually
555.72 -> more than this hold on there's another
556.86 -> plate it's also this plate we just don't
558.6 -> have room on the table to put it on of
560.16 -> course we have the BonChon moving on
561.54 -> from there we have the sea urchin and
563.04 -> then right here we have the biggest
564.18 -> shrimp I have ever seen and that is
566.16 -> where I'm gonna begin I'm gonna pull out
567.72 -> this whole side of shrimp and take a
569.76 -> look at that that is a freaking tiger
571.62 -> prawn right there folks this is samjong
573.72 -> sauce is a combination of red chili
575.76 -> paste and fermented soybeans then we
577.74 -> have sesame seeds and sesame oil I'm
579.779 -> gonna mix all that up together I'm gonna
581.399 -> smear that to add some flavor onto our
583.44 -> shrimp I'm gonna try it out
585.73 -> [Music]
589.82 -> a very nice sauce combination a super
592.56 -> salty it's got a little bit of kick that
594.18 -> sesame oil makes it Smoky and deep
596.22 -> flavored white light right here we have
598.74 -> the sea urchin it's a little dangerous
600.24 -> to pick it up I was hoping they would
601.38 -> cut these needles off a little bit but
602.94 -> they have nuts so that is a load of eggs
604.74 -> as far as I can tell they've not done
606.12 -> anything to the sea urchin except for
607.62 -> cut it open
608.47 -> [Music]
610.16 -> creamy Oceanic brininess a little Woody
613.38 -> earthy almost so it is good plain but I
615.54 -> want to see what happens if you add some
616.68 -> of this oil onto here cheers
619.28 -> [Music]
620.519 -> wow new level it's nutty it's smoky it's
623.339 -> got a great Seafood grindiness to it it
625.32 -> seems like an ideal Seafood for drinking
627.12 -> if you have beer if you have Soju our
628.74 -> final food is the Sashimi the color of
630.66 -> its flesh it's not purely white it's not
632.459 -> purely red it's got different shades and
634.44 -> tones some are more translucent and some
636.36 -> are more pale white and opaque the first
638.1 -> bite I don't want to flavor enhance it
639.66 -> at all I just want to taste the whole
640.98 -> halibut flavor let's go
645.26 -> super clean flavor it's got some bounce
647.94 -> to that meat they've given me some
649.38 -> Wasabi and some soy sauce give it a
651.48 -> little bit of a mix grab another couple
652.62 -> give it a little bit of a dip
654.86 -> [Music]
657.74 -> and they elevate this dish to a new
659.94 -> level
661.26 -> from here I am going to consume
663.3 -> literally everything you see here and
664.92 -> nothing will go to waste and then I will
666.54 -> get our last and most expensive course
668.339 -> yet let's go
671.04 -> right here we stumbled upon one of the
672.72 -> most expensive Seafoods you'll find at
674.459 -> this Market these are gigantic crafts
676.68 -> this one is
678.68 -> notice the claws are not banded you got
681.54 -> to be careful and this guy is very much
683.04 -> feisty and Alive okay he said just lift
685.26 -> it from the back but just don't be a
686.399 -> plus spoke here we got it this is a snow
688.26 -> crab different from the king crab you'll
689.88 -> see the body doesn't get quite as big
691.44 -> the legs are long but a little bit
693.06 -> thinner and it is ferocious it wants to
695.64 -> crush me as big as this is this is a
697.74 -> little guy I'm gonna put him down this
699.24 -> is what I'm really interested in today
700.62 -> this right here is the king crab a crab
703.44 -> so big and so near death it can't muster
706.2 -> the strength to try to pinch me now can
707.94 -> you wait are you alive hey
710.339 -> what kind of
711.899 -> he's okay he's taking a nap
714.48 -> a place for one kilogram is seventy five
716.82 -> thousand one multiply that by three that
718.92 -> is two hundred twenty five thousand one
720.42 -> for this whole thing right here last
721.98 -> time I had something this size in
723.3 -> Vietnam it was almost four hundred
724.98 -> dollars so I'm looking at this like it's
726.72 -> a discount bin purchase not bad at all
728.82 -> let's go upstairs and try them out right
731.22 -> time for your pain to end is that
733.38 -> fantastic this is its final resting
735.54 -> place right here this is a very cool
737.1 -> technology here she has a kitchen hose
739.079 -> so she can fill up pots I've seen a lot
740.94 -> of hoes in my life but never a kitchen
742.44 -> hose next time we see that crab it's
744.06 -> gonna be looking bright orange and
745.68 -> succulents I cannot wait we've got the
747.42 -> king crab that's boiling but I want to
749.04 -> get one more food something that I've
750.6 -> tried before but never in Korea first of
752.459 -> all these are the biggest freaking
754.079 -> oysters I've ever seen in my life do I
756.24 -> want to eat a giant oyster no here big
758.279 -> old blood cockles with the tongue
759.779 -> sticking out and then we have Lambs here
761.399 -> and then a few different types of snails
763.019 -> now if you watch my videos before you
764.459 -> know I've had so many different types of
765.959 -> snails especially in Vietnam but I've
767.94 -> never had Korean sauces mixed with this
770.04 -> kind of meat and I'm excited to see what
771.42 -> that would taste like those are not
772.56 -> cheap it turns out five bucks per snail
774.42 -> 20 for four check it out we've got our
776.519 -> Bowl king crab right here and she's
778.019 -> about to take it apart oh my God she
780.779 -> just did like a suplex on that that's
782.459 -> like an MMA move from here you can see
784.139 -> that big head full of crab soup the
786.06 -> whole body is steaming beautifully I
787.68 -> don't know what that is but she just
788.7 -> pulled that out now she's cutting it up
790.079 -> and putting that back on the plate as
791.94 -> well off with the legs leaving all the
793.92 -> hit meat in the body the claw here she
795.779 -> kind of pre-cuts for me so it's easy to
797.76 -> get into this is all the waste and the
799.74 -> gills and the stuff we do not want to
801.36 -> eat but that my friend we're definitely
802.98 -> going to be dining on shortly right here
805.079 -> we have our third and final round and my
806.82 -> gosh this place got real busy
812.1 -> on a race to get effed up right now I
814.139 -> might as well join them
818.1 -> right here we have a hole within king
820.079 -> crab and then right here horse nail as I
822.36 -> thought they just did a simple boiling
823.98 -> this is our red chili paste let's go for
826.019 -> it
826.63 -> [Music]
828.72 -> oh wow that poop sack was still soft and
831.3 -> kind of a room temp but the snail itself
833.04 -> was delicious meaty slightly rubbery in
835.32 -> the best way possible and then mixed
836.88 -> with this sauce rather than being fresh
838.32 -> and refreshing it's kind of a bold
839.82 -> intense experience the snail I give it a
841.92 -> pass there's so many people here and
843.18 -> everyone seems panicked about food
845.839 -> next and finally next and finally we
849.6 -> have the king crab right here this looks
851.459 -> just extraordinary all right so we're
852.959 -> gonna take out that tendon and open up
854.7 -> the biggest piece right here
857.22 -> oh man it's donino sauce it's so sweet
859.92 -> fatty and delicious here's the other
861.66 -> half when you steam it the fat kind of
863.399 -> bubbles up and boils to the outside
866.22 -> it's cooled down a bit and it's so
868.139 -> delicious
870.42 -> at this point I'm not reviewing anything
871.74 -> I'm just eating hold on this is for my
873.18 -> wife
873.98 -> next right here we have a giant claw
876.899 -> it's very thick she's cut it a bit take
878.88 -> that out you should be able to scoop
880.32 -> this meat out what I'm told is that some
882.6 -> people here actually like to eat this
883.98 -> with soy sauce so I'm gonna give a
885.24 -> little bit of a dip you know as an
886.32 -> American we just get used to eating all
887.94 -> this type of seafood with butter and
889.38 -> that's it
892.399 -> that's so much better than I ever
894.06 -> expected it has all the saltiness from
895.5 -> butter but none of that overwhelming
896.82 -> richness it's so good this has been
898.44 -> three rounds of seafood I cannot do any
900.36 -> more than this I'm gonna eat as much of
901.74 -> the king crab as I can and I'm gonna
903.12 -> give the rest to charity sure what kind
904.92 -> of Charity wants have eaten crabs the
906.72 -> goal of this video is to see if I could
907.98 -> spend one thousand dollars on Seafood in
910.199 -> one day here in Busan South Korea so now
912.66 -> I need to add up everything we ate for
914.339 -> the entire day and see if I got even
916.139 -> close to a thousand dollars let's do it
919.459 -> boom that's the end of the video guys we
922.019 -> have been here for over five hours so
924.12 -> let me tell you this place is like a
925.38 -> casino because whether it's dark outside
926.94 -> or bright outside it's always the same
928.92 -> inside here which is very very bright
930.899 -> today we had three different rounds of
932.519 -> seafood if you added all that all the
934.019 -> seafood I bought today put on a list
935.459 -> added up the sum total of all of it
937.079 -> we'll come to
938.279 -> boom a lot of money if my estimations
940.8 -> are corrected to a little bit under 500
942.36 -> but man that is not a thousand other
944.76 -> thoughts the way of cooking Korean
946.199 -> Seafood here is a trade forward
948 -> and simple I wouldn't say there's a lot
949.44 -> of culinary Merit to it now I know they
951.36 -> have other like Emoji gays like seafood
953.94 -> soups and things that are delicious with
955.92 -> seafood and actual ingredients but today
958.199 -> there wasn't really much of that
959.399 -> otherwise those are Sunny's final
960.72 -> thoughts thank you so much for watching
961.92 -> I will see you next time
963.779 -> foreign
