European conquest of America

European conquest of America

European conquest of America

NEW VERSION :    • European conquest of America - Summar…  

Let’s look at a map and see a summary of the different phases of exploration, conquests and colonization of American territories by European powers, beginning from the mid-15th century.


English translation \u0026 voiceover: Rahul Venkit    / @rahulvenkit  

French version (original):    • La conquête européenne de l’Amérique …  
Spanish version:    • La conquista europea de América - His…  
Russian version:    • Завоевание Америки европейцами - на к…  
Arabic version:    • اكتشاف واحتلال قارات أمريكا  

Music: “Kill it - Text me record / Jorge Hernandez” (YouTube Library)
Software used: Adobe After Effects


0.08 -> In the middle of the 15th century, these were roughly the territories known to Europe.
5.1 -> Despite the discovery 500 years earlier of a tip of North America by a Viking tribe,
10.46 -> the continent and the tens of millions of souls that populate it are still unknown to European powers.
24.7 -> For centuries, Europe is mainly oriented towards Asia from where silk, spices and other goods originate.
32.5 -> Trade routes from China and East Indies are lucrative for those who control them.
37.7 -> By weaving a maritime network across the Mediterranean Sea,
41.32 -> the powerful republics of Venice and Genoa dominate trade in Europe.
46.48 -> But the monarchies of the Iberian Peninsula aim to break this monopoly and set off in search of new routes.
53.72 -> More efficient ships are built, boosting exploration of the Atlantic Ocean.
62.46 -> A native of the Republic of Genoa, Columbus lived in Lisbon.
67.2 -> The young navigator dreams of discovering a new road to Cathay and Cipango,
71.64 -> found in present day China and Japan.
74.64 -> According to his calculations, the territories are close enough to attempt a crossing.
79.29 -> He presents the project to the Portuguese king who refuses to finance it
83.8 -> as the country focuses on exploration of a route via Africa.
88.2 -> Columbus then tries his luck with Spanish Catholic kings.
92.1 -> After some hesitation, they eventually agree to fund the expedition.
100.38 -> Christopher Columbus sets off on his voyage in 1492 as the head of three ships and a crew of 90 men.
108.18 -> After 70 days of sailing, the expedition discovers an island in the Bahamian archipelago.
114.77 -> The first encounter with the natives is peaceful and cordial.
118.57 -> Convinced he found the East Indies, Columbus calls them Indians.
122.94 -> For three months, he hops from island to island in search of Cipango.
127.31 -> Upon his return to Spain, he is welcomed as a hero.
131.26 -> He sets sail again the following year, this time with 17 ships
135.36 -> to establish a permanent settlement on the island of Hispaniola.
140.4 -> La Isabela is created in honor of the Queen of Castile, with Columbus as governor.
146.32 -> He continues to explore surrounding areas.
153.04 -> To avoid wars in newly discovered lands,
155.6 -> the Spanish and Portuguese kings meet and come up with a plan to share the territories.
160.52 -> A meridian is defined, with newly discovered lands to its west going to Spain, and those in the east to Portugal.
167.8 -> Moreover, the Pope tasks Spanish kings with evangelizing the new territories.
173.69 -> England also tries to reach Cathay, but from the north, leading it to discover new lands.
179.39 -> For its part, Portugal, with Vasco da Gama, eventually succeeds in opening a new sea route to India.
186.37 -> During the second expedition, Portuguese ships head westward to bypass strong sea currents,
191.5 -> thereby discovering a new land located east of the meridian of Tordesillas.
197 -> Colonies are quickly established there.
203.04 -> In 1506, Christopher Columbus dies without knowing he had discovered a new continent.
208.68 -> It is Amerigo Vespucci, another navigator who had traveled several times to the land,
213.74 -> who first suggests that it's a new world.
216.84 -> The continent is then named America after him.
220.7 -> Around Hispaniola, explorers called the Conquistadors set off to discover and conquer new lands.
226.96 -> Rapidly, the condition of the natives deteriorates.
230.8 -> Lands are stolen, people are enslaved, and, moreover,
234.14 -> previously unknown diseases imported by Europeans spread through the continent and decimate populations.
244.58 -> In Cuba, conquistador Hernán Cortés hears of a city called Tenochtitlan, a supposed city of gold.
251.86 -> Having reached land during his expedition in search of the city,
255.327 -> Cortés realises he is in the Aztec Empire, which rules over surrounding territories and peoples.
261.309 -> He takes advantage of the situation to propose or impose by force
265.72 -> that the locals become part of the Spanish empire.
269.18 -> His strategy pays off. Cortés is guided by locals to their capital where they receive a warm welcome.
276.56 -> Just south of the continent, Ferdinand Magellan, seeking to go around the world,
281.04 -> discovers a strait that would would bear his name and enters the Pacific Ocean.
286.12 -> The following year, war breaks out in Tenochtitlan.
289.72 -> The Spanish and their allies impose a siege of 75 days around the capital.
294.909 -> Moreover, a smallpox epidemic eventually exhausts the Aztecs people, who surrender.
300.909 -> Cortés enters the city and becomes the governor of New Spain.
308.74 -> Spanish colonies cultivate local products previously unknown in Europe,
312.84 -> such as maize, potato, tobacco and cocoa.
317.04 -> These products, as well as gold and silver obtained from conquests and from mines, are exported to Europe.
324.22 -> Settlements also take a religious turn with the arrival of the Franciscans,
328.24 -> who wish to establish an even purer church than back home and baptize natives.
333.589 -> Cortés now begins a conquest of the Mayan people,
337.16 -> while further south, conquistador Francisco Pizarro hears of the supposedly rich Inca Empire.
344.52 -> After several unsuccessful expeditions, he returns with an army in 1531.
349.72 -> The Inca Empire is already weakened by smallpox,
353.08 -> with the disease claiming the life of its emperor a few years earlier, sparking a succession war.
359.64 -> During a meeting between Pizarro and the new emperor Atahualpa,
363.78 -> the latter is captured and executed despite several tons of gold received for his release.
373.94 -> French Protestants also try to colonize the New World.
377.809 -> But they fail because of existing Spanish and Portuguese forces,
381.28 -> and because of adverse climatic conditions and diseases.
385.569 -> Eventually, more resources are allocated into colonization and New France is founded
391.32 -> in order to develop trade in fishing and furs.
395.229 -> The English and Dutch quickly follow suit and settle along the coast.
399.809 -> The colonies would face off many times, following the patterns of war taking place in Europe.
405.38 -> Generally, the French ally with local tribes, while the English fight alongside the Iroquois.
415.14 -> In the mid-17th century, the slave trade blows up.
419.04 -> European ships go to Africa loaded with goods which are exchanged against slaves,
424.04 -> who are then transported in harsh conditions to America
427.34 -> where they are exchanged against local products and gold.
430.84 -> Slaves are then mainly used in plantations,
433.88 -> while the ships returning to Europe sell American products at high prices.
438.5 -> In 1763, New France lost the fourth and final intercolonial war.
444.34 -> The colony then comes under control of the British
447.22 -> who cede a portion to Spanish territories in exchange for Florida.
455.5 -> With war taking a financial toll on the United Kingdom,
458.58 -> colonies are made to pay through new taxes.
461.82 -> In response, 13 colonies rebel and declare independence.
465.849 -> Thus begins a new war between the United Kingdom and these colonies,
470.107 -> who are supported by France, Spain and the United Provinces of the Netherlands.
475.629 -> In 1783, the British are forced to recognize the independence of the United States.
481.88 -> While Russia begins to establish settlements in northwestern coastal territories,
486.28 -> Spain finds itself weakened because of a war against France.
490.62 -> Its colonies begin to proclaim independence
493.48 -> and Spain is quickly forced to withdraw and recognize the new states.
501.64 -> Texas declares independence from Mexico and asks to join the United States,
506.32 -> creating tension between the two countries.
509.08 -> A war breaks out and swings to the advantage of the United States
512.7 -> who also seize California and New Mexico.
516.76 -> Oregon is then shared between the British colonies and the United States.
521.36 -> In 1867, the United States buys Alaska from Russia.
526.37 -> In the south, the Mapuche are the last natives to have resisted attempts at colonization.
532.14 -> However, Argentina and Chile launch the southern conquests in order to have access to both oceans.
539.38 -> With the Mapuche defeated, the entire continent is conquered.
