Decolonization in America - Summary on a Map

Decolonization in America - Summary on a Map

Decolonization in America - Summary on a Map

Let’s retrace on maps the various wars that conducted to the independences of all actual countries in America.
Part 1, the Pre-Columbian America :
Part 2, the European conquest of America :
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English translation \u0026 voiceover: Matthew Bates
Original French version:    • Les indépendances en Amérique - Résum…  
Russian version:    • Деколонизация Америки - на карте  
Arabic version:    • تصفية الاستعمار في قارات أمريكا  
Spanish version:    • La descolonización de América  
Portuguese version (Brazil): Coming soon
Japanese version:    • アメリカ大陸の脱植民地化  
German version:    • Die Dekolonisierung Amerikas - Zusamm…  
Music: Violet Vape - Cheel (Youtube Library)
Software: Adobe After Effects
00:00 The Unites States of America
01:27 Haitian Revolution
02:46 Napoleonic Spain
04:37 Independences
06:43 Tha Failure of Unity
08:13 Divisions
10:22 Borders Wars
11:31 The United States
12:44 Canada
13:58 Independences
15:09 Current situation

#geohistory #history #america #decolonization #independence


0.45 -> We begin in 1763.
3.22 -> Almost the entire American continent is dominated by the European colonial powers.
9.29 -> Spain has a very large territory.
12.08 -> In the south, the Portuguese control Brazil.
15.259 -> On the Central American islands, mainly France and Great Britain develop huge sugar cane
20.6 -> and coffee plantations by importing slaves from Africa.
24.69 -> Finally, the North is largely under the control of Great Britain after its victory
29.795 -> in the Seven Years' War.
31.63 -> The British dominate all their rivals, notably thanks to the powerful Royal Navy.
37.79 -> But the war has taken its toll on the country's finances, and to replenish its coffers,
42.945 -> it imposes new taxes on its colonies.
46 -> Thirteen of them are opposed to this and tensions rise, finally provoking the American Revolutionary War.
54.15 -> France, Spain and the United Provinces take advantage of the situation to ally themselves
60.22 -> with the independence fighters in order to weaken Great Britain.
64.189 -> Finally, the British are defeated and forced to recognize
68.084 -> the independence of the United States of America,
71.185 -> which is the first European colony to become independent.
74.99 -> From the very first years, the United States colonists have been extending their possessions westward
81.28 -> to the detriment of the indigenous populations, which provokes numerous internal wars.
91.299 -> In France, after the Seven Years' War and the American Revolutionary War,
96 -> the economic situation is catastrophic, which contributes to the outbreak of the French Revolution.
103.189 -> The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen is proclaimed.
108.24 -> It states that "Men are born and remain free and equal in rights".
113.329 -> In the rich colony of Saint-Domingue, these words provoke a slave and freedmen revolt
118.899 -> against the great landlords, also called the Planters.
122.929 -> Spain and Great Britain join forces to fight the insurgents.
127.139 -> But the insurgents win and occupy the whole island.
130.78 -> Napoleon Bonaparte, who has seized power in France, understands that it would be difficult
136.34 -> to reassert his sovereignty over his distant territories.
140.44 -> He sends an army to Saint-Domingue and decides to sell Louisiana which he secretely obtained from Spain
147.288 -> three years earlier to the United States.
150.56 -> In Saint-Domingue, the French soldiers, weakened by disease, are defeated.
155.84 -> On January 1, 1804, the independence of Haiti is proclaimed.
161.03 -> It is the only republic born from a revolution of slaves and freedmen.
170.071 -> In Europe, the United Kingdom inflicts a heavy defeat on the Spanish and French fleets
175.989 -> at the Battle of Trafalgar.
178.129 -> The country confirms its domination of the seas.
181.7 -> But Napoleon, who dominates Europe, opts for economic warfare and imposes a continental blockade.
188.95 -> The United Kingdom, in the midst of the industrial revolution,
192.878 -> absolutely needs to find new markets to sell its goods.
196.939 -> Taking advantage of the decline of Spain, it turns to America,
201.245 -> but Spain officially prohibited trade with the British.
205.29 -> The United Kingdom attempts two military incursions into the Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata,
211.829 -> but is repelled by the Creoles, the descendants of Spanish settlers born in America.
217.67 -> In Spain, King Charles IV and his son Ferdinand VII are quarrelling over the throne.
224.329 -> Napoleon takes advantage of this and places his brother Joseph at the head of the country.
230.53 -> This is not accepted in the Spanish colonies where juntas, which means local governments,
236.519 -> favorable to King Ferdinand VII, are organized.
240.889 -> Conflicts appear everywhere.
242.829 -> In New Spain, the priest Miguel Hidalgo calls on the people to rise up.
248.78 -> Independence movements now appear, secretly supported by the British
252.383 -> and motivated by revolutionary Masonic lodges.
256.59 -> In 1814, after the abdication of Napoleon, Ferdinand VII recovers the Spanish throne
264.03 -> and quickly sends reinforcements to America to regain control.
268.89 -> Paraguay manages to resist, as well as the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata,
274.531 -> which proclaims its independence.
281.174 -> In January 1817, the separatists San Martín and O'Higgins
286.528 -> cross the Andes from the east with an army and seize Santiago.
291.33 -> O'Higgins is appointed Supreme director and proclaims Chilean independence.
297.41 -> In the north, another independence army led by Simon Bolivar
302.014 -> and reinforced by the British Legion leaves Angostura, crosses the Andes,
307.085 -> and defeats the Spaniards at the gates of Santa Fe de Bogotá.
311.55 -> Bolivar then proclaims the independence of Gran Colombia, of which he becomes president,
317.88 -> although he doesn’t yet control the entire territory.
321.54 -> In reaction, Ferdinand VII raises a new army, but the latter revolts and refuses to leave Cadiz.
329.36 -> Taking advantage of the situation, San Martin lands in Peru, seizes Lima,
334.523 -> and proclaims the country's independence, although the Amazonian territory is still controlled by the royalists.
342.77 -> In New Spain, after 11 years of war, the independents win and proclaim the Mexican Empire.
350.6 -> In the south, Quito is liberated by the independence armies.
354.66 -> Bolivar and San Martín then meet in Guayaquil.
358.72 -> Nobody knows what they say to each other, but San Martin gives up part of his army
363.526 -> to Bolivar and then discreetly withdraws.
367.37 -> In Brazil, the Portuguese royal family and its court have been installed
372.014 -> in Rio de Janeiro since the invasion of Portugal by Napoleon.
376.84 -> Despite the liberation of the country in 1811, the royal family decided to stay in Brazil.
383.14 -> However, the difficult political situation in Portugal forces King John VI
388.537 -> to return to the country in a hurry.
391.08 -> But his heir, son Peter, who remained in Brazil,
394.474 -> now enters into conflict with the Portuguese government and proclaims the independence of Brazil,
400.44 -> of which he becomes Emperor.
406.93 -> In Central America, Mexico struggles to consolidate.
411.29 -> The south secedes and the United Provinces of Central America is proclaimed.
416.99 -> Throughout the continent, instability is great, which worries the United States.
422.73 -> President James Monroe then declares to the Europeans that the United States
427.347 -> would no longer accept new attempts at colonization on the American continent.
433.39 -> In the south, the last royalist pockets are defeated by the army of General Sucre.
439.312 -> Bolivia is created, named after Simon Bolivar.
443.75 -> The latter now dreams of uniting all the American republics under a great common authority.
450.29 -> But internal divisions cause this project to fail.
454.07 -> In the south of the continent, a war breaks out
457.181 -> between the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata and Brazil for the control of the Cisplatine Province.
464.11 -> Brazil imposes a commercial blockade on the ports of Buenos Aires and Montevideo,
469.456 -> but its armies fail to prevail on land.
473.14 -> Unable to neutralize each other and financially exhausted, both appeal to the United Kingdom for arbitration.
480.69 -> The British, during the peace treaty, obtain the creation of Uruguay as a buffer state.
486.83 -> The United Kingdom, by becoming the guarantor of stability in the region, protects its commercial interests.
497.45 -> At the end of 1829, Venezuela secedes from Gran Colombia.
502.7 -> Bolivar, whose health is deteriorating, fails to find a solution and resigns.
508.8 -> Gran Colombia breaks up and immediately conflicts arise over the delimitation of the new borders.
515.42 -> In Mexico, after the abolition of slavery, the United States colonists,
520.16 -> who are in the majority in Texas, rebel.
523.37 -> A civil war breaks out and leads to the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Texas,
529.746 -> recognized by the United States.
532.52 -> In the United Provinces of Central America, unity is also undermined
537.247 -> and the five states that make it up declare independence.
541.01 -> Finally, in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, which has been occupied since 1822, also obtains its independence.
554.44 -> In 1845, the United States, which wants to expand westward, annexes Texas.
561.25 -> But a border disagreement with Mexico provokes a war.
564.55 -> At the same time, the British and the United States agree on sharing the Oregon Country
570.19 -> that was joint controlled.
572.51 -> In 1848, after the victory of the United States,
576.43 -> Mexico is forced to recognize the annexation of Texas and gives up a huge territory.
583.33 -> In California, the discovery of gold causes a rush
586.815 -> that attracts people from all over the world, including Asia.
591.64 -> In the far north of the continent, the Russian Empire,
594.776 -> in fear of losing Alaska to their rival the British,
598.152 -> chooses to sell its territory to the United States.
601.852 -> In the same year, the United Kingdom authorizes the union of three provinces in the north
608.142 -> to ensure their protection from the United States, which seems to want to expand.
613.235 -> They form the Dominion of Canada, which gains more autonomy
617.524 -> and will over the next years integrate the neighbouring British colonies.
625.435 -> Due to border disputes, Paraguay has been at war for two years
630 -> with the Triple Alliance of Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay.
634.576 -> In 1870, Paraguay is occupied, whereupon a large part of its territory is amputated,
641.648 -> leaving a deeply devastated country.
644.474 -> Further west, tensions also rise between Chile and Bolivia over a territory rich in mineral deposits.
652.39 -> When Bolivia increases taxes on Chilean companies present in the region,
657.097 -> Chile decides to occupy the port of Antofagasta to control exports.
663.38 -> War breaks out, involving Peru, which is allied with Bolivia.
668.07 -> Chile quickly wins and extends its territory to the north, cutting off Bolivia's access to the ocean.
675.14 -> At the same time, in the south, the Mapuches, who had resisted the Inca and Spanish invasions,
681.6 -> are now invaded by Argentina and Chile who want to have access to both oceans.
687.53 -> The local populations are violently crushed.
694.54 -> In Cuba, a new independence revolt provokes a war against Spain.
699.67 -> The United States, which now wants to implement an international policy,
704.331 -> sees an opportunity to extend its influence.
708.04 -> They intervene militarily against Spain and win.
711.57 -> The independence of Cuba is confirmed and the last Spanish colonies in America
716.687 -> and the Pacific come under US control.
720.4 -> In Colombia, a French company begins the construction of a canal that will link the two oceans.
727.08 -> This interests the United States because it will considerably shorten
731.87 -> the maritime route between its two coasts.
735.279 -> The country buys the project, but the Colombian Congress opposes it.
740.3 -> Annoyed, the United States sends warships, while separatists proclaim the independence of Panama.
747.72 -> In a few days, the United States recognizes the new country.
751.93 -> In exchange, it obtains a strip of land in perpetuity
756.394 -> for the construction and operation of the Panama Canal.
760.45 -> But the Panamanians quickly contest this treaty.
767.555 -> During World War I, the European colonies are heavily involved.
772.4 -> This is particularly true of Canada, which carries out a major war effort
777.277 -> on behalf of the United Kingdom.
779.83 -> At the end of the war, Canada asks for greater autonomy.
783.76 -> In 1926, equality with the United Kingdom is proclaimed,
788.812 -> followed by its sovereignty being recognized in 1931,
793.796 -> although the country remains linked to the British crown by becoming a member of the Commonwealth.
799.9 -> In the south of the continent, conflicts persist over the delimitation of borders.
805.32 -> In 1932, Bolivia and Paraguay go to war over control of the Chaco,
810.985 -> a region where oil has just been discovered and which offers access to the Atlantic Ocean via the Paraguay River.
818.96 -> Paraguay wins and takes 75% of the territory.
823.94 -> Peru and Ecuador also dispute their border.
827.63 -> A new war breaks out in 1941 and turns to the advantage of Peru,
832.602 -> which takes over a large part of the territory located in the Amazon.
841.542 -> At the end of World War II, the United Kingdom and France are weakened
846.123 -> while the first colonies claim their independence.
849.22 -> In 1946, several French colonies in America become French departments.
855.75 -> The United Kingdom finally grants independence to the colonies that request it,
860.439 -> only if the new governments are not communist, as the world is now in the midst of the Cold War.
867.59 -> The new states are offered the option of joining the Commonwealth.
871.25 -> In 1962, Jamaica and the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago are the first to declare independence.
879.65 -> Most of the British colonies, as well as Suriname, become independent in turn.
885.5 -> However, some islands remain under British control.
889.58 -> This is the case for the Falklands, called the Malvinas in Argentina,
893.877 -> which are a gateway to the Antarctic continent.
897.27 -> The islands are claimed by Argentina, which attempts a military invasion in 1982.
904.29 -> War breaks out.
905.48 -> The United Kingdom repels the offensive and wins.
912.848 -> Today, France, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands still control some American territories,
919.36 -> mainly in the Caribbean.
921.12 -> According to the United Nations, some British and U.S. territories are still "non-self-governing".
927.839 -> In Puerto Rico, the inhabitants enjoy U.S. citizenship,
931.752 -> but don’t have the right to vote in presidential elections.
936.01 -> Panama regains full sovereignty over its canal on December 31st, 1999.
942.66 -> Throughout the continent, disputes persist over the exact delimitation of land borders,
948.35 -> while some indigenous communities also clamor to assert their rights.
953.82 -> If the subject is still very sensitive for European countries,
957.644 -> the Catholic Church has presented - on several occasions since 1992 - its official apology for the abuses perpetrated
967.14 -> during the evangelization and colonization of America.
971.39 -> Today, after many waves of immigration, America is probably the continent
976.678 -> with the greatest ethnic diversity.
