ISIS - War against the Islamic State

ISIS - War against the Islamic State

ISIS - War against the Islamic State

Let’s look at a map and trace the rise and fall of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria / Daesh / ISIS.

English translation \u0026 voiceover : Rahul Venkit    / @rahulvenkit  

Original video in French:    • État Islamique - Résumé de la guerre …  

Music: Dragonfly - Quincas Moreira (From YouTube library)


0 -> At the end of November 2017, it went almost unnoticed that the so-called
4.94 -> Islamic State, the terror organization that captivated global attention, lost
9.92 -> the last cities it controlled in the Middle East.
12.96 -> How did this group succeed, in a matter of months,
15.96 -> to control at its peak a territory as big as the United Kingdom?
20.32 -> Let's look at a map and trace the history of the global war against
24.72 -> the Islamic State.
31.28 -> Syria and Iraq are located in the Middle East between two
34.62 -> great rivals from ethnic and religious point of view
38.38 -> Saudi Arabia and Iran
40.74 -> Saudi Arabia is part of the Arab world and is 87 percent Sunni
45.46 -> while Iran is predominantly Persian and Shiite.
49.32 -> In Iraq, Saddam Hussein, who was Sunni, ruled the
52.06 -> country since 1979.
54.8 -> In Syria, Bashar al-Assad, who like 13 percent of the population, is Alawite
60.2 -> -- a branch of Shia Islam -- succeeded his father as president in 2000.
65.96 -> Finally, both countries have an ethnic Kurdish minority who are part of
70 -> a population of about 35 million people spread over several states.
75.88 -> Looking at resources in the region, Iraq at the time had a third largest known oil reserves in the world.
81.88 -> 7 main deposits of which 2 are currently being drilled.
86.32 -> Saddam Hussein nationalized Iraqi oil in 1972, so it can only be mined
91.84 -> by national companies.
97.32 -> In 2003, the United States, under the pretext of its fight against terrorism
101.8 -> and weapons of mass destruction, formed an international coalition and overthrew
106.68 -> the Iraqi government in three weeks.
110.16 -> They then put in place a provisional
112.08 -> authority which was in charge of suppressing everything related to Saddam Hussein.
116.96 -> First, they banned the Baath Party which had 1.5 million members and
121.53 -> laid off 200,000 public sector employees. They then dismantled the Iraqi Armed
128.04 -> Forces and let go of more than 250,000 soldiers, mostly Sunnis.
134.04 -> This policy would destabilize the country and allow the emergence of rebel militias that
139.38 -> would organize and quickly grow in power. In 2004, one such Sunni jihadist group
145.769 -> pledged allegiance to Osama bin Laden and became al Qaeda in Iraq.
150.76 -> It was later based in Al Anbar province and essentially fought against the US
155.36 -> coalition and the Shiites, sparking a civil war.
160.28 -> Later, the groups merged with five other militias and proclaimed themselves the Islamic State of Iraq.
167.36 -> In June 2009, the new Iraqi government auctioned away its oil deposits to multinationals.
173.32 -> At the same time, the US began the withdrawal of its troops from Iraq,
177.44 -> marking the end of the civil war there
184.84 -> 2011 would be marked by the Arab Spring with popular revolts rising up against
189.64 -> leaders who'd mostly been in power for several decades.
193.8 -> Syria was not spared but
195.52 -> the revolts were violently muted by the army, pushing some soldiers to defect and
200.16 -> creating the Free Syrian Army.
203.4 -> They were quickly supported and armed, sometimes
205.68 -> discreetly by the international community.
209.24 -> Fighting alongside the regular army
211.16 -> was the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Guard Corps of the Islamic Revolution,
215.52 -> a paramilitary organization based in Iran -- both Shiites and allies of Bashar al-Assad.
222.08 -> The conflict would make the country unstable and allow the arrival
225.64 -> of a new Sunni jihadist and Salafist factions that quickly took over the revolution.
232 -> Among those was the Al-Nusra Front, a branch of al-Qaeda.
240.88 -> In April 2013, the Islamic State in Iraq becomes the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant,
247.16 -> encompassing Al-Nusra. But al-Qaeda refused to validate the new
251.36 -> group, breaking the link between the organizations.
254.72 -> The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant decided to intervene alone in Syria.
259.84 -> In June, they would seize a good part of Raqqa at the expense of the Free Syrian Army.
264.84 -> The city became its political and military capital.
268.72 -> Faced with this threat, the Kurds of Syria
271.04 -> would federate and create their own autonomous administration.
275.16 -> They also organized protection units: the YPG and its all-female branch the YPJ.
284.48 -> In Iraq, the second civil war breaks out with a revolt of Sunni tribes in Al-Anbar.
289.52 -> The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant rapidly gains territory.
293.6 -> During its offensive, the organization seized oil reserves and military equipment abandoned by the fleeing army.
300.8 -> In June, they captured Mosul, the second city of Iraq with 2 million inhabitants,
305.2 -> which became its religious and intellectual capital.
308.96 -> However, they would be stopped in their march towards Kirkuk by the
312.32 -> Peshmergas, the armed faction of the Kurds of Iraq.
316.56 -> The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant became the Islamic State and proclaimed a Caliphate on its territory.
323.04 -> Iran would react by militarily supporting Iraq and carrying out
326.64 -> bombings. The US creates a new international coalition, bringing
331.02 -> together 69 countries. This coalition would be responsible for supporting
335.52 -> forces against the Islamic state and choking off its funding.
339.88 -> Around the world, jihadist rebel groups begin to pledge allegiance to the Islamic State.
348.96 -> In the north of Syria, the Islamic State pushed the Kurds back to Kobane on the
353.37 -> Turkish border. But a few months later, with the support of the international
357.54 -> coalition, the Kurds took over and pushed back the Islamic State to Lake Assad.
362.76 -> They then inflict a major defeat on the Islamic State by taking over the border
367.2 -> towns of Tell Abyad, which was the major crossing point
370.52 -> for smuggling oil, arms and foreign fighters.
374.48 -> At the end of September, Russia intervened in support of Bashar al-Assad: a historical ally.
379.76 -> It must also defend its only naval base in the Mediterranean Sea, located in Tartus.
386.04 -> It would first attack rebels whose front al-Nusra then controlled 20-25% of the Syrian population.
393.4 -> At the same time, the Kurds announced they were joining forces with
396.84 -> other rebel groups to form the Syrian Democratic Forces.
400.92 -> They tried to gain more ground by proclaiming the federal region of Rojava
405.04 -> which made Turkey react. Rather isolated from a diplomatic point of view, the
409.44 -> Turks first restored ties with Russia and then launched operation Euphrates Shield.
415 -> This seized the last territories of the Islamic State along its border.
422.84 -> In Iraq, the Peshmerga who liberated Sinjar began to take over Mosul with the
427.81 -> Iraqi army. In February, Turkey reached his goal which was Al Bab
432.52 -> and aimed to take over Manbij from the Kurds. But the US and Russia would
437.29 -> prevent it. Turkey then officially withdrew from Syria and offered
441.56 -> conquered land to the rebels of the Free Syrian Army.
445.48 -> With the Islamic State weakened and losing on all fronts, the Syrian Democratic Force
450.2 -> enters Raqqa. A month later, Mosul is completely liberated.
455.08 -> The Iraqi army and its allies quickly win back territory
458.4 -> However, the Kurds of Iraq would organize a referendum for their independence, reviving ethnic tensions.
464.72 -> The Iraqi government then entered the fight and regained control of strategic areas
469.12 -> including oil deposits and important borders.
472.52 -> Finally, a ceasefire would end this conflict.
475.92 -> Raqqa is now fully liberated, quickly followed by the last
478.96 -> remaining towns and villages controlled by the Islamic State.
486.04 -> Today the Islamic State has no territory in the Middle East,
489.48 -> but its reign isn't without consequence.
492.36 -> In Iraq, a fragile peace seems to be holding at the moment.
495.76 -> The country must rebuild itself by finding a balance between its three major communities.
501.68 -> In Syria, the civil war that has so far killed more than 400,000 and
505.36 -> displaced half its population is still not over.
509.32 -> Some areas are still controlled
510.84 -> by rebel groups. Bashar al-Assad clings on to power and the Kurdish movement
514.96 -> continues to be an important factor. Finally, Iran and Russia seem to be
520.419 -> diplomatically reinforced by this conflict.
523.28 -> While Saudi Arabia is now
524.64 -> bogged down in another conflict in Yemen where it is fighting the Houthis --
528.96 -> Shiite rebels who are backed by Iran.
531.56 -> But we'll discuss this in an upcoming video...
