Roman Empire and Christianity | World History | Khan Academy

Roman Empire and Christianity | World History | Khan Academy

Roman Empire and Christianity | World History | Khan Academy

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Overview of the changing relationship between the Roman Empire and Christianity from the time of Jesus to the reign of Theodosius.

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0 -> as we've talked about in multiple videos
1.829 -> Christianity is a religion that grew out
4.38 -> of the fringes of the Roman Empire it
6.569 -> starts as a Jewish sect in Judea and
9.87 -> Galilee with the teachings of Jesus and
13.08 -> his early ministry but it's important to
15.599 -> keep in mind at the time of Jesus's
17.82 -> crucifixion around 30 C II he only had
21.84 -> at most we're talking about the hunt in
24.9 -> the hundreds of followers but in other
27.689 -> videos we talked about his apostles who
29.73 -> start spreading the faith not only to
32.099 -> other Jews but also to non-jews to
35.579 -> Gentiles we talked about Emperor Nero
39 -> and his famous purges of Christians in
41.76 -> particular you have the famous Roman
43.71 -> fire or the fire of Rome in 64 C II that
47.28 -> Nero blames on Christians and he uses
49.44 -> this to do significant purge in Rome
51.469 -> many historians believe that the
53.94 -> Apostles Peter and Paul were killed
56.07 -> during those purges this is a painting
58.739 -> of Nero using Christians lighting them
61.14 -> alive to punish them for that fire now
65.28 -> other imperial acts that continue to
67.95 -> have a significant effect effect on this
69.869 -> very early Christian Church we talked
72.479 -> about the the destroying of the Second
75.39 -> Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE II and
79.5 -> that's under the reign of this patient
81.6 -> and this is of course is a very
83.1 -> significant event for the Jewish people
85.65 -> but it also has a significant effect on
88.439 -> Christianity because remember
89.369 -> Christianity was really centered at
91.5 -> Jerusalem it was a sect of Christianity
93.96 -> or it was it Scott starts as a sect of
97.59 -> Christianity but now with the
99.42 -> destruction of the temple the Jews were
101.729 -> dispersed from Jerusalem and this and
103.74 -> and so are many of these early
105.479 -> Christians and so the centers of
107.52 -> Christianity became throughout the
109.29 -> empire places like Antioch and you
113.49 -> continue to have a discomfort with
115.86 -> Christians especially as it became more
118.11 -> and more in number and they started to
119.64 -> have more and more power and you here
121.35 -> you have these people who refused to
123.479 -> obey the the Roman gods to do their
126.57 -> rituals to worship the Roman gods and
128.64 -> remember even there was Emperor worship
130.8 -> here and the issue was
133.709 -> more so than even the Jewish people who
135.81 -> to certain degree kept to themselves
137.7 -> these Christians were missionaries they
139.62 -> were spreading their faith to Roman
142.56 -> citizens families were being split apart
144.9 -> where some decided to become Christians
146.819 -> and no longer follow these Roman
148.469 -> practices and so you have these various
150.989 -> persecutions in these various purges and
153.269 -> they get more and more significant as
155.939 -> you go into the second and even to some
157.769 -> degree in the third century as
159.42 -> Christians become more and more
160.65 -> prominent and more and more in number
162.569 -> remember to have this missionary zeal
163.98 -> and it really becomes a significant
167.34 -> purge under the reign of Diocletian in
170.31 -> previous videos we talked about
171.93 -> Diocletian he's the one that famously
173.909 -> split the empire between east and west
176.73 -> but he's also famous for his purge of
179.519 -> the christians the most extreme
181.43 -> state-sponsored purges of Christians in
184.829 -> the Roman Empire but what's interesting
186.959 -> is right after or shortly after those
190.169 -> purges we're talking a few decades here
192.329 -> the next empire that would the next
194.609 -> Emperor who would have constrained over
196.65 -> the entire Roman Empire would be
198.419 -> Constantine and at least relative to
201.239 -> Christians he would be the opposite of
203.359 -> Diocletian because as he's trying to
206.22 -> consolidate his power in 312 C II you
210.03 -> have the famous Battle of mill at the
212.22 -> Milvian bridge outside of or entering
215.099 -> into Rome and in this battle Constantine
219.199 -> he sees a vision of the Christian cross
221.97 -> centered on the Sun and he thinks that
223.799 -> that is a sign that he should fight
225.9 -> under the cross and he gets and he gets
228.659 -> the symbols painted on his soldiers
230.939 -> field and he's victorious and this date
233.819 -> 312 milling the Milvian bridge the
236.759 -> battle at Milvian bridge is viewed as
238.829 -> the beginning of Constantine's
240.54 -> conversion to Christianity viewing it as
242.819 -> the phase chosen faith in 313 the he the
247.59 -> Roman Emperor or the Empire issues the
249.659 -> Edict of Milan which officially makes
252.269 -> Christianity okay it legalized as
254.759 -> Christianity which is a big deal because
256.139 -> these folks have been persecuted all
257.88 -> this time they haven't been worshipping
259.44 -> the Roman gods then in 325 Constantine
263.31 -> goes even further and he convenes the
265.77 -> Council of Nicaea
267.57 -> he brings the bishops from all of
269.67 -> Christendom together to start having a
272.22 -> more unified belief system they come up
274.71 -> with an IC and Creed a lot of the debate
277.08 -> is whether Jesus as son of God should be
279.9 -> considered equal to God or as God or a
283.77 -> little less as being the son maybe if
286.05 -> he's the son maybe there was a time
287.43 -> where there wasn't a son and there was
288.54 -> just God but the Nicene Creed says no
290.37 -> they are one and the same these two
292.47 -> things are equivalent and then
294.51 -> Constantine on his deathbed famously
296.91 -> gets baptized and becomes a Christian
299.67 -> the first Christian Emperor of this
303.77 -> gigantic Roman Emperor Empire and so you
307.32 -> can imagine you have more and more
308.64 -> followers of Christianity but now this
311.04 -> is supposed to speak primetime the
312.69 -> Emperor of the Roman the Emperor of the
316.11 -> Roman Empire has converted to
318.18 -> Christianity and it's a okit's it's a
320.61 -> legalized religion and then that gets
323.1 -> even more momentum when we get to the
325.14 -> end of the 4th century Emperor
327.12 -> Theodosius who was Christian under him
329.97 -> it becomes the official religion of the
332.07 -> Roman Empire the same Empire that at one
334.44 -> point Christianity was illegal and it
336.6 -> was being persecuted now it was the
338.88 -> official religion of the Roman Empire
341.19 -> and Theodosius I mentioned him in other
343.14 -> videos he was incidentally also the last
345.99 -> emperor to rule over both eastern and
349.02 -> western Roman empires so you have this
352.44 -> empire that starts off very
354.14 -> anti-christian actually in the beginning
356.52 -> they don't really really take much note
357.87 -> of what's going on in Judea and Galilee
359.43 -> but more and more they start to
361.35 -> persecute them but we go a few hundred
363.48 -> years into this and it becomes a
365.49 -> Christian Empire
