Sony X85K VS X80K - Which Do You Need?

Sony X85K VS X80K - Which Do You Need?

Sony X85K VS X80K - Which Do You Need?



0 -> on this video I'm going to show you guys
1.62 -> the differences between the Sony x80k
4.38 -> and the Sony x85k now we already know
7.56 -> that the x80k is a 60hz television and
10.559 -> the x85k is 120 hertz with the HDMI 2.1
14.34 -> but the thing is if you're not a gamer
16.56 -> doesn't really matter which one looks
18.539 -> better so in this video we're going to
20.22 -> talk about it so sit back relax and
22.32 -> let's get started now looking at these
24.24 -> TVs from the back side or the front side
26.099 -> you would not be able to tell the
27.42 -> difference if both of them was off but I
29.58 -> will tell you that the x85k does have
33 -> four HDMI inputs and two of them are for
36.42 -> HDMI 2.1 for gaming consoles and when
39.66 -> you look at the back of the x80k it also
42.48 -> has four HDMI inputs but all four of
45.18 -> them are 60 hertz so you don't get the
47.579 -> option for 120 hertz gaming so so far
50.46 -> the only difference is that you can see
52.199 -> is that one is 120 hertz one is 60 hertz
56.82 -> but both televisions are VA panels
59.34 -> they're both 50 inch and I will tell you
62.28 -> that when it comes to remote control
63.48 -> both of these TVs use the exact same one
66.6 -> so with that being said the real
68.939 -> difference is and why you clicked on
70.38 -> this video is because now you want to
72.06 -> see the differences between the picture
73.799 -> performance and that really means
75.9 -> everything so let's get into it before
78.24 -> we get started I want to show you guys
79.5 -> the settings that I'm using first of all
81.659 -> I'm using input 4 on both units as you
84.36 -> can see the x85k can handle VR as you
87.54 -> can see at the bottom but they're both
89.34 -> in the same enhanced mode so you can get
91.32 -> 4k at 60 frames per second the second
94.079 -> thing I'll show you if you look at the
95.52 -> bottom I have all the settings the exact
97.74 -> same and I did do a factory reset both
100.56 -> TVs are in cinema mode that gives you
102.6 -> the best picture quality and if you go
104.64 -> down here you can see the brightness is
106.2 -> 40 on both televisions and all the extra
109.259 -> sensors are turned off
111.06 -> so I'm going to show you guys a few
112.5 -> picture tests so you can see for
113.82 -> yourself which one may work for you and
115.92 -> keep in mind this is recording but on
118.079 -> this one the one thing that stands out
119.52 -> to me is that the x85k looks a little
121.68 -> bit more on the pinkish side versus
123.24 -> being solid white the x80k looks more
126.06 -> grayish to me but again this is
128.099 -> recording you guys tell me in the
129.36 -> comments below looking at this test
131.34 -> again the x80k appears to look more
133.86 -> solid to me as far as the grayscale and
136.02 -> compares to the x85k now looking at this
138.9 -> grayscale test they look very similar uh
141.72 -> I can't tell that the x85k is going to
144.12 -> be a much brighter television and that's
146.04 -> going to come in handy whenever you're
147.3 -> watching HDR type content so let's move
150.48 -> through a few other ones now this is
152.22 -> alignment test this could vary from
153.959 -> panel to panel but they look pretty
155.7 -> equal to me I don't see anything that
157.739 -> stands out now this is a uniformity test
160.319 -> showing the different lighting patterns
162.3 -> in the television and one thing that
163.92 -> stands out to me is that the x85k is a
167.58 -> lot more solid across the panel if you
169.739 -> look at the x80k you can see on the
172.5 -> right hand side it looks a little bit
173.819 -> darker around that whole particular part
176.64 -> of the panel so not saying if there's
178.62 -> anything defective but that's what
180.3 -> stands out to me on this test so here we
182.34 -> have a motion test on both televisions
184.26 -> and overall both TV looks almost
187.08 -> identical to me I can't really tell a
189.18 -> big difference on the bottom you can see
191.58 -> some motion blur but you can I these are
193.68 -> factory settings so I haven't went in
195.12 -> there and adjusted anything to make sure
197.58 -> that one television doesn't outperform
199.56 -> the other one and I'll just toggle
201.42 -> through a few of these other color tasks
203.519 -> that I never show you guys but
205.56 -> overall the colors look almost identical
207.9 -> look at this and this is a test showing
210.239 -> artifacts so 8-bit doesn't have as many
212.64 -> colors in it so it's not going to be as
215.04 -> clear as a 10-bit panel so as you can
217.739 -> see these swirls happening to me both
219.959 -> televisions look almost identical and
223.319 -> mainly because they have the same
224.7 -> process here and they're really the big
226.2 -> difference between these two TVs is that
228.18 -> one has a 120 hertz but right now I'm
230.34 -> not seeing a big difference if you spent
231.959 -> more money now this is where you start
233.819 -> seeing the difference in that brightness
235.26 -> take a look at the bright lights in the
237.72 -> background you can see that the x85k
240.14 -> really defeats the x80k when it comes to
243.599 -> that brightness and now let's try some
245.76 -> blooming
246.9 -> so both TVs are doing a similar job in
249.54 -> Blooming so I don't think you're going
251.22 -> to see much difference in that as well
252.84 -> so that's going to be whenever you're
254.939 -> watching some type of movie and it has a
257.16 -> lot of logos that pop up on the screen
259.56 -> usually you might see a halo effect
261.479 -> around the images but right here I don't
264.36 -> really see it stand out on either
265.68 -> television now look at the x85k look how
269.16 -> much different the brightness is at this
272.34 -> point you know it's going to do a better
274.44 -> job in performing another thing I can
276.72 -> see on the x80k at this one is that I
279.6 -> can see a lot more of those artifacts in
281.22 -> the background that I don't see on the X
282.84 -> 85k
284.16 -> now this is where the brightness can
286.02 -> have a disadvantage because now if you
288.12 -> look at the x85k the background is
290.88 -> really taking over being a little bit
292.86 -> too bright so
294.54 -> that's something that you can constantly
295.979 -> adjust and make sure that it looks the
298.02 -> best as possible but again this is where
300.36 -> the x80k not been so bright is going to
303.479 -> give you a better result at the factory
305.4 -> settings so I know that was a lot of
307.38 -> information but I want to show you guys
308.82 -> these different tests so you can see
310.74 -> which panel performs under the exact
312.84 -> same conditions in my opinion so far I
314.88 -> think the x85k is the winner the fact
317.4 -> you get 120 hertz you got vrr
319.919 -> capabilities it's much brighter
321.96 -> especially for HDR content I think it's
324.78 -> a winner and just so you guys know I did
326.94 -> film that like two months ago but I'm
329.28 -> finally getting everything caught up in
330.84 -> the studio here and you probably noticed
333.24 -> that the image quality looks a lot
335.22 -> better is because I added some new parts
337.32 -> to my camera but with that being said I
340.02 -> still want to use this old footage so uh
341.94 -> let's do some gaming real quick
344.68 -> [Music]
345.84 -> foreign
348.74 -> [Music]
354.55 -> [Music]
358.52 -> that game footage once again again it's
361.319 -> been a few months one thing that really
363.18 -> stands out to me is that the grass and
365.759 -> the rocks on the side so go back and
367.979 -> rewind this and play that part again
370.139 -> you'll see what I mean just pause the
371.819 -> footage and you can see how much details
373.919 -> are in the ax85k now it's a few other
377.1 -> things I want to mention is that both
378.539 -> TVs do have Google 11 which is a pretty
381.66 -> good operating system I also went into
383.819 -> the about section of the television to
386.039 -> see what type of firmware was in the TVs
388.68 -> to see if it matched or was it different
390.3 -> and both TVs have the exact series of
392.819 -> firmware which is kind of interesting
394.38 -> because they're two different models
395.639 -> televisions in addition to that they
397.62 -> have the same amount of memory so if you
399.78 -> plan on downloading a lot of
401.16 -> applications eventually the TV will get
404.22 -> full when it comes to that in my opinion
406.62 -> I think both TVs work well and 60 hertz
409.86 -> work great for most people if you want a
412.979 -> better HDR experience and your gamer
415.44 -> with newer consoles the x85k is the sure
419.639 -> thing now I want to let you guys know
421.979 -> that I started a second Channel and I'm
424.86 -> actually going through all the TVs that
426.599 -> I have and I'm making many tutorials on
429 -> it I'll leave a link down below if you
430.86 -> guys want to check it out and as I get
433.02 -> through those videos I'll start selling
434.639 -> off these TVs and bringing in new
436.74 -> products so I know you guys have been
438.18 -> asking me to bring in the Hisense a6h
440.759 -> and a few of the models but I have too
443.099 -> many TVs right now so I'll be moving
445.56 -> some of these out so I can bring new
447.06 -> stuff in with that being said I want to
449.46 -> leave you guys with a little bit of
450.96 -> bonus footage so you can see again Wish
453.9 -> TV is going to work best for you they're
455.88 -> still in the cinema mode and I want to
458.16 -> say thank you for watching I'm Tech
460.02 -> Steve I'll catch you guys on the next
462.18 -> one peace
463.919 -> foreign
467.53 -> [Music]
479.47 -> [Music]
497.58 -> pets to you
