3D 🤯 Analyzing one of the Best-Selling engines in the world. The VW Beetle Air Cooled

3D 🤯 Analyzing one of the Best-Selling engines in the world. The VW Beetle Air Cooled

3D 🤯 Analyzing one of the Best-Selling engines in the world. The VW Beetle Air Cooled

In this video we analyze the VW Beetle engine, a machine invented in the 30’s and produced for more than 65 years.
#aircooled #beetle #volkswagen #power #turbo #speed #engeeniering
#fordT #repairman22 #boxer #bettle


0.24 -> In today's video we will analyze the  formidable engine of the Volkswagen Beetle.  
5.4 -> We will see what was its key to success and why  its manufacture continued for more than 65 years. 
12 -> As a first measure. This engine  was a 4-cylinder boxer with 985  
16.62 -> cubic centimeters or 60 Cubic Inches. Ferdinand Porsche designed this engine  
21.66 -> to rotate at 3,000 RPM and achieve  the great power of 23 Horsepower. 
27.18 -> Unlike Henry Ford. Porsche preferred  oversquare engines. This means,  
31.68 -> with wide pistons, short stroke and higher  RPM, getting more power from a small engine. 
37.14 -> Almost the entire motor is made of magnesium  and aluminum, achieving low weight and  
42.3 -> excellent heat conduction. The crankshaft and  
45.18 -> connecting rods are made of steel. Its compression ratio was 5.6 to 1,  
49.98 -> which allowed the engine to operate correctly  with the lousy German fuels of World War II. 
55.38 -> This engine had the rare opposed cylinder  configuration and used a single camshaft  
60 -> to drive both banks of cylinders at once. The gear kept the camshaft turning at half  
65.34 -> the speed of the crankshaft, with total  presition and its lasted for life. Chains  
70.2 -> or toothed timing belts were not used. The camshaft location was below pistons  
75.42 -> and received good lubrication from  oil falling from the cylinders. 
82.14 -> The oil pump was directly connected to the  camshaft to drive the fluid under pressure. 
88.32 -> A radiator which was in the air  ducts was used to cool the oil. 
93.06 -> Compared to a 20 HorsePower 2.9L Ford T,  the Beetle had slightly more horsepower  
98.82 -> but 3 times less engine size. Although  obviously the design was 20 years newer. 
105.96 -> The valves were in the Cylinder head  while the Ford T had them in the Block. 
111.84 -> Having the valves in the head significantly  increased the entry and exit of gases.  
115.92 -> Especially when the engine rotates fast  and the time of each cycle is shorter. 
120.9 -> The combustion chamber was shaped like an  inverted bathtub, with straight valves. 
124.86 -> Wich were driven by adjustable rockers and rods. 
132 -> The intake valves were in the center. The exhaust valves were on the outside  
135.78 -> and then all the exhaust pipes were joined  at the bottom by the exhaust manifold. 
140.82 -> This valve configuration improved engine  temperature, as cool air enters thru the  
145.08 -> middle, the part that is difficult to cool. All engine parts like finned cylinders are  
148.74 -> available loose so one can rebuild their engine  from scratch without going to the grinder.
154.8 -> As everyone knows Ferdinan Porsche was  the designer of this engine and he was  
159.3 -> a fan of air cooled engines. His motto  was that air does not boil or freeze. 
165.06 -> In short, the beetle was able to work in any  climate such as in the cold of Russia, where  
169.68 -> the radiators break when the water freezes, and  in the desert of Africa, where water is scarce. 
175.26 -> The beetle engine was installed in the  kubelwagen. The German army vehicle and  
179.76 -> reached 50 thousand units manufactured. This small off road vehicle was very  
184.56 -> light and thanks to that, even though  it only had simple traction and a ZF  
188.88 -> limited-slip differential. That is to say, it  was not a 4x4 like its jeep willys adversary,  
194.58 -> the kubelwagen could travel over any terrain  and follow the panzers without problems. 
199.98 -> Also, by not having a water radiator, the  engine was literally bulletproof. Which  
204.9 -> increased reliability in battle. The jeep willys was better,  
208.56 -> but the kubelwagen was simplier. The boxer design lowered the vehicle's  
212.64 -> center of gravity and left room to  mount the entire fan system on top. 
216.66 -> The boxer configuration was key to cool down  the cylinders evenly, because in an in-line 4,  
222.48 -> it would leave the central area  of the engine poorly ventilated. 
225.18 -> I take advantage of this part of the video to  ask you to leave your super-thanks that helps  
230.1 -> me a lot, or if not a like. Also remember  to subscribe. We continue with the video. 
236.52 -> This engine designed by Ferdinand Porsche was  later modified over the years and enlarged.  
240.9 -> Its engine went from 985cc to 1131. And then,  for the year 1954 to 1192cc, with larger valves  
251.1 -> and a new carburettor, producing 36 horsepower  and revving at almost 4 thousand revolutions. 
259.5 -> The electrical system began  with 6 Volts, but by 1975,  
263.16 -> all units were already manufactured with 12 Volts. 
269.22 -> High voltage coil and distributor were  always used as we can see in this video. 
275.46 -> Its firing order is 1-4-3-2. From the beginning, it had automatic  
282.72 -> spark advance. First using centrifugal system.  That means, every time the revolutions increased,  
288.06 -> the distributor fired the spark sooner.  Simplifying driving and achieving more power.  
294.78 -> Later, the vacuum system was added.  When the accelerator is depressed,  
298.68 -> the intake manifold pressure rises and also moves  the distributor. With these 2 systems the beetle  
304.44 -> already had a very advanced and efficient  ignition system. And above all. Automatic. 
310.08 -> Feeding was by a single central  carburettor and later replaced  
313.5 -> by 2 individual ones. Which increased the power.  
316.62 -> Coming to the end of its manufacture,  electronic Fuel injection was installed. 
321.3 -> The exhaust system was also improved,  and a double one was installed. 
325.44 -> As the years went by, the cylinder  capacity continued to increase and reached  
329.52 -> 1.6 liters or 97 cubic inches with 50 horses. The gearbox was 4 with forward gears plus reverse.  
336.78 -> The gears were helical. Over time, synchronizer  rings were installed, which improved the shifting. 
343.26 -> 3-speed automatic transmission  versions were also produced. 
347.1 -> In 1974, the Volkswagen beetle dethroned the  Ford T as the best-selling car in history with  
353.58 -> 15 million units. And for 2003. The last  classic beetle would leave the factory  
359.04 -> in Mexico with its 22 millionth unit. Leaving a free track for the New Bettle  
364.26 -> that would be manufactured until 2019  although with a water-cooled engine. 
369 -> The reality is that although the engine  only had minor changes throughout the time,  
372.72 -> and always maintaining its essence and  simplicity, the number of modifications  
376.74 -> it underwent exceeds 2,000. There are engines  from 800cc to 1600. Different types of pistons  
383.88 -> to vary the compression that started at 5.6  to one and rose to standard values for today.  
389.52 -> It started on carburettor and finished  including electronic injection system. 
393.78 -> It even had a catalyst to continue  complying with environmental regulations. 
398.22 -> To be fair, it is the most  manufactured vehicle in history  
402.54 -> since, although it is in position number 4,  its changes are minor compared to a Toyota  
407.4 -> Corolla where only its name was kept. The Volkswagen's air-cooled engine  
412.08 -> designed by Ferdinand Porsche knew to be  a masterpiece of engineering and design. 
416.94 -> Surviving for more than 65 years,  participating in war conflicts,  
422.64 -> being taxi, or with the Kombi T1, which was used  in every way, as an ambulance or supporting low  
430.38 -> budget and maintenance trips with the hippies. Another body available was also the Thing. Which  
436.44 -> copied the kubelwagen in many respects  and was available in civilian versions. 
441.06 -> During the 1950s the Beetle  was also used as a tractor,  
444.36 -> thanks to its rear-wheel drive and great off-road  capability. Not to mention its high reliability. 
451.74 -> A very similar version of the engine was also  
454.14 -> initially used in the special Porsche  test car and would leave its legacy  
457.86 -> for future air-cooled 911 production.  Equipped with 6-cylinder boxer engines. 
463.44 -> You can always support me by leaving a super  thanks of the value you want or if not,  
467.52 -> pressing the like button. Comment  your experience with these air-cooled  
470.88 -> engines and don't forget to follow me by  pressing subscribe. See you next time.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcutz6NJR4k