HORRIBLE Crimes of Erhard Milch - The ONLY JEWISH Field MARSHAL in NAZI Germany - German Luftwaffe

HORRIBLE Crimes of Erhard Milch - The ONLY JEWISH Field MARSHAL in NAZI Germany - German Luftwaffe

HORRIBLE Crimes of Erhard Milch - The ONLY JEWISH Field MARSHAL in NAZI Germany - German Luftwaffe

HORRIBLE Crimes of Erhard Milch - The Only Jewish Field Marshal in Nazi Germany - German Luftwaffe. Erhard Milch was born on the 30th of March 1892 in Wilhelmshaven then part of the German Empire. On the 15th of September 1935 the Nazi regime announced two new laws : “The Reich Citizenship Law” which declared that only Aryans could be citizens of the Reich; and “The Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor” which forbade marriages and extramarital sexual relations between Germans and Jews, the employment of German maids under the age of 45 in Jewish homes and the raising of the German flag by Jews. These laws informally became known as the Nuremberg Laws or Nuremberg Race Laws because they were first announced at a Nazi Party rally held in the German city of Nuremberg.
The Nazis enacted the Nuremberg Laws, which became the legal basis for the racist anti-Jewish policy in Germany, because they wanted to put their ideas about race into law. They believed in the false theory that the world is divided into distinct races that are not equally strong and valuable. The Nazis considered Germans to be members of the supposedly superior “Aryan” race. They saw the so-called Aryan German race as the strongest, and most valuable race of all.

World War 2 started on the 1st of September 1939 when Germany invaded Poland. The campaign in Poland ended on the 6th of October the same year with Germany and the Soviet Union dividing and annexing the whole of the country.
During the invasion of Denmark and Norway which was codenamed Operation Weserübung, Milch commanded Luftflotte 5, which was one of the primary divisions of the German Luftwaffe in World War II formed in April 1940 for the invasion of Norway.
Nazi Germany invaded Denmark and Norway on the 9th of April 1940. Strategically, Denmark’s importance to Germany was as a staging area for operations in Norway.
In Norway, Germany sought to secure naval bases for use against the British fleet in the North Sea and to guarantee vital iron-ore shipments from neutral Sweden on which Nazi Germany was dependent.
While the invasion of Denmark lasted less than six hours and was the shortest military campaign conducted by the Germans during the war, Norway surrendered to Germany only after 2 months on the 10th of June 1940.

Weakened by disease, starvation and lack of medical care during the encirclement, they were sent on foot marches to prisoner camps and later to labor camps all over the Soviet Union. Some 35,000 were eventually sent on transports, of which 17,000 did not survive. Most died of wounds, disease - particularly typhus, cold, overwork, mistreatment and malnutrition. Some were kept in the city to help rebuild it.
Only 5,000 to 6,000 would return to Germany after the war.

From March 1944, Milch, together with Speer, established a Fighter Staff committee - a task force to increase the production of fighter aircraft, in part by moving the production facilities underground. In cooperation with the SS, the task force played a key role in the exploitation of slave labour for the benefit of the German aircraft industry and the Luftwaffe.
Production of German fighter aircraft more than doubled between 1943 and 1944. The growth, however, consisted in large part of models that were becoming obsolescent and proved easy prey for Allied aircraft.

The SS provided 64,000 prisoners for 20 separate projects for various concentration camps including Mittelbau-Dora. Prisoners worked for Junkers, Messerschmitt, Henschel and BMW, among others. By 1944, 140,000 people were working in Speer’s underground factories which were death-traps. Discipline was brutal, with regular executions. Such was a case of the Mittelbau-Dora underground factory - there were so many corpses that the crematorium was overwhelmed. Speer’s own staff described the conditions there as “hell”.

In 1944 Milch sided with Joseph Goebbels, the propaganda minister and Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS, in attempting to convince Adolf Hitler to remove Göring from command of the Luftwaffe. However, Hitler refused and Göring retaliated by forcing Milch out of his positions as State Secretary and Chief of Procurement and Supply on the 20th of June 1944.
In August of the same year Milch was appointed as Speer’s deputy, but was sidelined and achieved little.

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0.42 -> The 1st of September 1939. Nazi Germany invades  Poland triggering World War 2. The German  
8.34 -> Luftwaffe - one of the most technologically  advanced air forces in the world, proves  
12.84 -> instrumental in the German victories across  Poland and Western Europe in 1939 and 1940. 
19.32 -> However, as the war drags on, the Luftwaffe  is eroded in strength and German defeats  
25.2 -> at the Battle of Stalingrad and in the  Battle of Kursk in 1943 ensure the gradual  
30.06 -> decline of the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front. The failure to maximize production immediately  
35.28 -> after the failures in the Soviet Union and North  Africa ensures the Luftwaffe's effective defeat  
41.22 -> in the period of September 1943 and February 1944. As a result, in 1943 and 1944, aircraft production  
50.76 -> is moved to concentration camps in order  to alleviate labor shortages and to protect  
55.5 -> production from Allied air raids. The two  largest aircraft factories in Germany are  
61.14 -> located at Mauthausen-Gusen and Mittelbau-Dora  concentration camps. Aircraft parts are also  
67.14 -> manufactured at Flossenbürg, Buchenwald, Dachau,  Ravensbrück and other concentration camps.  
73.44 -> In 1944 and 1945, as many as 90,000 concentration  prisoners work in the aviation industry,  
81.18 -> and equate to about one tenth of the concentration  camp population over the winter of 1944–1945. 
88.5 -> One man who is behind Luftwaffe aircraft  production, armament and supply as well  
93.9 -> as use of the slave labour of civilians  and prisoners of war for German aircraft  
98.28 -> production is a Nazi Field Marshal  with Jewish origins Erhard Milch.
105.047 -> Erhard Milch was born on the 30th of March 1892 in Wilhelmshaven then part of the German Empire.  
111.78 -> Erhard was a son of son of Anton Milch,  
114.06 -> a Jewish pharmacist who served in the Imperial  German Navy, and his non-Jewish wife Clara.
118.86 -> In 1910 Milch enlisted in the German Army  where one year later he rose to the rank of  
124.38 -> lieutenant of the Foot Artillery Regiment.  At the beginning of the First World War  
128.58 -> which started on the 28th of July 1914, Milch  commanded an artillery unit in East Prussia. 
134.76 -> In July 1915, he was trained and deployed as  an aircraft observer on the Western front,  
140.76 -> seeing action on the Somme in 1916  and later in Flanders during 1917.  
146.94 -> He was also awarded the Iron Cross First  Class and shortly before the end of the war  
151.86 -> he was promoted to captain and appointed  to command a fighter wing - Jagdgruppe  
156.12 -> 6 - even though he had never trained  as a pilot and could not fly himself.
159.72 -> The First World War ended on the  11th of November 1918 when the  
165.24 -> German leaders signed the armistice  in the Compiègne Forest in France.
169.2 -> 2 years later in 1920, Milch resigned from the  military to pursue a career in civil aviation.  
175.74 -> With squadron colleague Gotthard Sachsenberg,  Milch formed a small airline in Danzig,  
180.9 -> today’s Gdańsk, which linked  the city to the Baltic States.
183.78 -> In 1926, Milch was named a technical director  and board member of the newly-formed airline  
189.9 -> Deutsche Luft Hansa, the forerunner  of modern German airline Lufthansa,  
194.1 -> which served as German flag carrier. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party came  
199.5 -> into power in Germany in January 1933. On the  27th of April of the same year the Nazis created  
206.4 -> the Ministry of Aviation which was in charge  of development and production of all aircraft  
211.14 -> developed, designed and built in Germany  during the existence of the Third Reich,  
215.28 -> overseeing all matters concerning  both military and civilian designs.  
219.72 -> In the newly formed ministry, Erhard Milch  took up a position as State Secretary answering  
225 -> directly to Hermann Göring - the minister.  In this capacity, Milch was instrumental in  
230.28 -> establishing the Luftwaffe, the air force of Nazi  Germany and oversaw the planning and development  
235.2 -> of some of the best aircraft of the world like  the Messerschmitt Bf 109 fighter-plane that was,  
240.54 -> alongside with the Focke-Wulf Fw 190, the  backbone of the Luftwaffe's fighter force.
245.28 -> On the 15th of September 1935 the Nazi  regime announced two new laws : “The  
251.88 -> Reich Citizenship Law” which declared that  only Aryans could be citizens of the Reich;  
256.2 -> and “The Law for the Protection of German  Blood and Honor” which forbade marriages  
260.16 -> and extramarital sexual relations between  Germans and Jews, the employment of German  
264.72 -> maids under the age of 45 in Jewish homes  and the raising of the German flag by Jews.  
270 -> These laws informally became known as the  Nuremberg Laws or Nuremberg Race Laws because  
275.46 -> they were first announced at a Nazi Party  rally held in the German city of Nuremberg.
279.42 -> The Nazis enacted the Nuremberg Laws, which became  the legal basis for the racist anti-Jewish policy  
285.66 -> in Germany, because they wanted to put their  ideas about race into law. They believed in the  
290.82 -> false theory that the world is divided into  distinct races that are not equally strong  
295.32 -> and valuable. The Nazis considered Germans to be  members of the supposedly superior “Aryan” race.  
301.68 -> They saw the so-called Aryan German race as  the strongest, and most valuable race of all.
307.38 -> According to the Nazis, Jews were not Aryans.  They thought Jews belonged to a separate race  
313.02 -> that was inferior to all other races. The  Nazis believed that the presence of Jews  
317.88 -> in Germany threatened the German people and  that they had to separate Jews from other  
321.96 -> Germans to protect and strengthen Germany.  Thirteen additional decrees were added to  
327.36 -> the Nuremberg Laws over the next 8 years. These  included the first official definition of who  
332.52 -> was to be considered a Jew and who an Aryan.  Jews with three or four Jewish grandparents  
337.68 -> were considered full- blooded Jews. According to the Nuremberg Laws,  
341.64 -> Erhard Milch was a “Mischling of the first  grade”. Mischling was a pejorative legal  
346.5 -> term used in Nazi Germany to denote persons  of mixed "Aryan" and non-Aryan ancestry.
351.54 -> In 1935 doubts about the ethnic origin of  Erhard Milch began when rumors circulated  
357.36 -> that his father Anton Milch was Jewish. The  Gestapo began an investigation but it was  
362.82 -> stopped by Hermann Göring, who forced Erhard's  mother to sign a document that Anton Milch was  
367.92 -> not the true father of Erhard and his 4 siblings  but that it was her uncle Karl Brauer. That would  
373.86 -> mean that Milch's mother, Clara, committed not  only adultery but also incest. Clara’s uncle as  
380.22 -> well as husband were deceased at the time when  this documentation was put together. When this  
384.84 -> “evidence” was presented to Hitler, he accepted  it and declared Milch a “100 percent” Aryan.
391.26 -> Those events and the later extension  of the "Certificate of German Blood"  
394.98 -> were the background to Göring's statement,  "I decide who is a Jew in the airforce".
400.44 -> Milch’s case shows that the  Nazis did not object to incest,  
403.98 -> but Jewish ancestry was indeed a problem.
406.56 -> On the 1st of February 1939, Milch, now  with the rank of Generaloberst which was  
413.28 -> equivalent to Colonel General, was given  the additional job of Inspector-General of  
417.06 -> the Luftwaffe frequently attending  conferences on behalf of Göring.
420.84 -> World War 2 started on the 1st of  September 1939 when Germany invaded Poland.  
427.68 -> The campaign in Poland ended on the 6th  of October the same year with Germany  
432.12 -> and the Soviet Union dividing and  annexing the whole of the country. 
435.24 -> During the invasion of Denmark and Norway  which was codenamed Operation Weserübung,  
440.28 -> Milch commanded Luftflotte 5, which  was one of the primary divisions of  
444.12 -> the German Luftwaffe in World War II formed  in April 1940 for the invasion of Norway. 
449.82 -> Nazi Germany invaded Denmark and Norway  on the 9th of April 1940. Strategically,  
455.46 -> Denmark's importance to Germany was as  a staging area for operations in Norway. 
459.96 -> In Norway, Germany sought to secure naval  bases for use against the British fleet  
465 -> in the North Sea and to guarantee vital  iron-ore shipments from neutral Sweden  
469.26 -> on which Nazi Germany was dependent. While the invasion of Denmark lasted  
473.46 -> less than six hours and was the shortest military  campaign conducted by the Germans during the war,  
477.78 -> Norway surrendered to Germany only  after 2 months on the 10th of June 1940.
482.88 -> In the great wave of promotions that followed  the “Fall of France” in June the same year,  
487.56 -> Milch was promoted to Field Marshal  during Field Marshal Ceremony held  
491.82 -> in Berlin in which Adolf Hitler  promoted twelve generals to the  
495.24 -> rank of “field marshal" on the 19th of  July 1940. It was the first occasion in  
500.7 -> World War II that Hitler appointed field  marshals due to military achievements.
505.26 -> Following the suicide of Colonel  General Ernst Udet in November 1941,  
509.7 -> Milch succeeded him as Chief of Procurement and  Supply and became responsible for all - Luftwaffe  
515.28 -> aircraft production, armament and supply.  This was a massive organization supervising  
520.38 -> over 26 departments and requiring organizational  qualities, for which Udet was had not been best  
525.78 -> equipped. Udet had neglected the technical  development of the Luftwaffe and shortened  
530.52 -> the production cycles of new types by releasing  them for production before they were ready for  
534.72 -> series production. Milch cancelled production  of the ineffective and dangerous Heinkel 177  
540.54 -> and heavy fighter Messerschmitt Me 210 and put  them back in development. The failure of the Me  
546.735 -> 210's development program meant the Luftwaffe was  forced to continue operating the Bf 110 after it  
552.42 -> had become outdated, despite mounting losses. In April 1942 Milch was named to the Central  
558.66 -> Planning Board along with Albert Speer - Reich  Minister of Armaments and War Production,  
563.16 -> and Paul Körner - State Secretary of the  Four Year Plan, in an effort to coordinate  
567.84 -> control over all industrial war production. The  same year he received an endowment of 250,000  
575.1 -> Reichsmarks from Adolf Hitler with  which he could buy himself an estate. 
578.7 -> In January 1943, Hitler, who valued Milch's talent  for his organizational skill, gave him the task of  
585.42 -> providing air supplies to the surrounded units  of the 6th Army in the Battle of Stalingrad,  
589.86 -> which had previously been Göring's task.  When the Sixth Army was surrounded by  
594 -> the end of November in Operation Uranus,  Göring promised that the Luftwaffe would  
598.32 -> be able to deliver a minimum of 300 tons  of supplies to the trapped men every day.  
603 -> On the basis of these assurances, Hitler  demanded that there be no retreat; they were  
608.4 -> to fight to the last man. Though some airlifts  were able to get through, the amount of supplies  
613.56 -> delivered never exceeded 120 tons per day. To save the situation, Milch traveled directly  
619.74 -> to the front with close associates from the  Reich Air Ministry. However, it was too late.  
624.72 -> The task turned out to be unattainable: there were  too few flying personnel, too few aircraft and,  
630.6 -> in particular, no suitable airfields and  landing sites within reach of Stalingrad. 
635.58 -> Soon after, the German 6th Army, regarded  as the best field army in the Wehrmacht,  
640.38 -> surrendered between the 31st of  January and the 2nd of February 1943. 
645.78 -> German casualties were 147,200 killed and  wounded and over 91,000 captured including  
653.4 -> 24 generals and 2,500 officers of lesser rank. At the time of surrender, the Red Army soldiers  
660.3 -> were well nourished, full of vigor and dressed  in fine winter uniforms. The German soldiers -  
666.18 -> ragged, in thin greatcoats over threadbare  uniforms, as thin as skeletons - presented  
671.46 -> emaciated figures exhausted half to death, with  sunken features. Unwashed, with unkempt beards,  
678.24 -> they wore comical-looking makeshift snow boots and  were wrapped in towels and women’s headscarves.
683.76 -> Weakened by disease, starvation and lack of  medical care during the encirclement, they  
688.98 -> were sent on foot marches to prisoner camps and  later to labor camps all over the Soviet Union.  
694.44 -> Some 35,000 were eventually  sent on transports, of which  
698.88 -> 17,000 did not survive. Most died of  wounds, disease - particularly typhus,  
703.92 -> cold, overwork, mistreatment and malnutrition.  Some were kept in the city to help rebuild it. 
710.94 -> Only 5,000 to 6,000 would  return to Germany after the war.
714.78 -> By this time, Milch had passed the zenith  of his career. The ever-increasing Allied  
720 -> air raids on Reich territory from the summer of  1943 and the associated loss of air sovereignty  
725.64 -> ultimately led to a loss of confidence on the  part of both Hermann Göring and Adolf Hitler.
731.28 -> This loss of power continued  when at the beginning of 1944,  
734.88 -> after devastating Allied attacks on  German cities and armaments targets  
739.08 -> during the Allied Big Week from the 20th to 25th  of February 1944, Milch had to hand over fighter  
745.5 -> production to the Ministry of Armament  and War production led by Albert Speer.
750.12 -> From March 1944, Milch, together with Speer,  established a Fighter Staff committee - a task  
756.48 -> force to increase the production of fighter  aircraft, in part by moving the production  
760.2 -> facilities underground. In cooperation with  the SS, the task force played a key role in  
766.44 -> the exploitation of slave labour for the benefit  of the German aircraft industry and the Luftwaffe. 
771.18 -> Production of German fighter aircraft  more than doubled between 1943 and 1944.  
777.84 -> The growth, however, consisted  in large part of models that were  
781.32 -> becoming obsolescent and proved  easy prey for Allied aircraft.
785.52 -> The SS provided 64,000 prisoners  for 20 separate projects for various  
790.14 -> concentration camps including Mittelbau-Dora.  Prisoners worked for Junkers, Messerschmitt,  
795.12 -> Henschel and BMW, among others. By 1944,  140,000 people were working in Speer's  
802.26 -> underground factories which were death-traps.  Discipline was brutal, with regular executions.  
808.62 -> Such was a case of the Mittelbau-Dora underground  factory - there were so many corpses that the  
813.96 -> crematorium was overwhelmed. Speer's own staff  described the conditions there as "hell".
819.3 -> In 1944 Milch sided with Joseph Goebbels, the  propaganda minister and Heinrich Himmler, the head  
825.78 -> of the SS, in attempting to convince Adolf Hitler  to remove Göring from command of the Luftwaffe.  
831.6 -> However, Hitler refused and Göring retaliated  by forcing Milch out of his positions as State  
837.06 -> Secretary and Chief of Procurement  and Supply on the 20th of June 1944. 
842.16 -> In August of the same year Milch  was appointed as Speer's deputy,  
846.24 -> but was sidelined and achieved little.
848.4 -> In the fall of 1944 he was injured in a car  accident and hospitalized for several weeks.  
854.88 -> In March 1945, Milch was placed into the  “Führer reserve” which was a pool of temporarily  
860.4 -> unoccupied high-ranking military officers awaiting  new assignments. However, he was never reassigned.
866.28 -> Following Hitler's suicide, Erhard  Milch attempted to flee Germany,  
870.72 -> but was apprehended by Allied forces on  the Baltic coast on the 4th of May 1945.  
876.84 -> Upon surrendering, he presented his  field-marshals' baton to British Brigadier  
881.16 -> Derek Mills-Roberts, who was so disgusted  and angered by the atrocities he had seen  
885.48 -> when liberating the Bergen-Belsen concentration  camp that he demanded to know Milch's thoughts  
889.74 -> on the terrible sights witnessed. Milch's reply in  English was supposedly along the lines of - "these  
895.98 -> people are not human beings in the same way as  you and me". This so infuriated Mills-Roberts  
902.34 -> that he seized the Field Marshal's baton from  under Milch's arm and proceeded to brutally beat  
906.54 -> Milch over the head with it until it broke,  afterwards switching to a champagne bottle.  
912.36 -> The following day, Mills-Roberts went to Field  Marshal Bernard Montgomery to apologize for  
917.64 -> losing his temper with a senior German prisoner  of war, only for Montgomery to cover his head  
922.62 -> with his hands in mock self-protection and joke  "I hear you've got a thing about Field Marshals",  
928.02 -> with nothing more said regarding Mills-Roberts'  indiscretion. The incident left Milch,  
933.84 -> Nazi field marshal with Jewish origins, with  several contusions and a fractured skull.
938.88 -> In the end, justice finally caught  up with Milch when he was tried at  
943.32 -> the Milch Trial which began  on the 2nd of January 1947.  
947.1 -> His indictment listed three counts: 1) participation in the planning and  
952.38 -> execution of war crimes, namely the subjection  of prisoners of war and foreign nationals  
957.24 -> to murder, cruel treatment, and forced labor 2) participation in the planning and execution  
962.4 -> of war crimes, specifically participation  in two medical experiments dealing with the  
966.96 -> effects of high-altitude and freezing 3) and crimes against humanity
970.68 -> Milch pleaded "not guilty" on all  charges and denied everything. 
976.32 -> When he was asked if he had knowledge that there  had been mass deportations of Jews to the Eastern  
980.76 -> territories and when he first heard about it,  he replied “ I cannot give the exact date. Once,  
986.46 -> in some way or another, I can no longer remember  how, the information did reach me that Jews had  
992.22 -> been settled in special ghetto towns in the East.  I think it must have been in 1944 or thereabout,  
997.74 -> but I cannot guarantee that this date is exact.” When he was asked if he knew that these  
1003.32 -> mass deportations were, in effect, a  preliminary step to mass extermination,  
1007.46 -> he replied “ No, we were never told that.” When questioned if he had any idea about the  
1013.82 -> existence of the Auschwitz extermination  camp, he replied: “ No. I first heard of  
1018.8 -> the name much later. I read it in  the press after I was captured.” 
1023 -> Considering his position in the Third Reich, this  was clearly a lie. And it was not the only one. 
1028.82 -> In relation to Einsatzkommandos that were  employed in the East to carry out large-scale  
1033.26 -> exterminations of Jews he claimed “ The first  I heard of these Einsatzkommandos was here in  
1038.72 -> prison in Nuremberg. I know nothing at all  about the extermination of Jewish citizens”.
1044.66 -> One year earlier during the Nuremberg trials in  1946, Milch, then a witness for the prosecution,  
1050.84 -> had also been also questioned about his Jewish  father and Göring's role in the matter by Chief  
1055.58 -> United States Prosecutor, Robert H. Jackson. When  Jackson asked Erhard Milch: “Göring made you what  
1062.18 -> you call a full Aryan; was that it?” Milch replied  “I do not think he made me one. I was one.”  
1069.14 -> Even in the end Milch could not acknowledge that  his father was a Jew and he himself was a key  
1074.36 -> figure in the Nazi Regime which was responsible  for the mass murder of six million Jews.
1079.76 -> However, his lies did not help him escape justice.
1083.66 -> After 39 trial days, with 34 witnesses  and 212 written exhibits introduced,  
1089.66 -> the trial concluded on the 25th of March 1947. On the 17th of April American military tribunal  
1097.16 -> found Erhard Milch guilty of counts  one and three – war crimes and crimes  
1101.84 -> against humanity and sentenced him to life  imprisonment at Rebdorf Prison, near Munich.  
1107.54 -> However, in 1951, the sentence was commuted to  15 years and in June 1954, Milch was paroled.
1114.92 -> He lived out the remainder of his  life as a free man in Düsseldorf. 
1118.52 -> Milch, the last living Luftwaffe field marshal,  
1121.94 -> was 79 years old when he died  on the 25th of January 1972.
1128.06 -> There were no tears shed for Erhard Milch.
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Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDLPTPtN5tQ