How it Works – the Micro Modular Nuclear Reactor

How it Works – the Micro Modular Nuclear Reactor

How it Works – the Micro Modular Nuclear Reactor

MMR is an advanced nuclear reactor made by Ultra Safe Nuclear to produce reliable energy anywhere. MMR uses TRISO particle Uranium fuel in our proprietary FCM Fuel pellets.

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3.6 -> This little guy packs a big punch. It’s the size of a walnut and  
9.48 -> can release the same energy as 2000  liters of diesel. Not bad for a rock. 
15.12 -> With so much power, comes great responsibility,  
17.52 -> for as fission reactions take place …. the Uranium fuel is slowly transforming  
22.32 -> into roughly 1/3rd of the periodic  table as solids and gases. 
27 -> These are the fission products that make nuclear  power dangerous, and they must be contained. 
33.36 -> So beyond gene rating heat, the fuel needs  to trap the fission products in place. 
38.64 -> In FCM fuel, millimeter sized bits of uranium are  trapped in tiny ceramic pressure vessels that can  
44.76 -> withstand extreme temperatures and radiation. These particles are then encased within a fully  
50.64 -> dense silicon carbide matrix, somewhat  like encasing the fuel in a diamond. 
55.26 -> Silicon Carbide is used for tank armor and  has an extremely high melting temperature.  
62.16 -> It is particularly resilient to radiation  and does not chemically interact with other  
66.6 -> materials in the reactor. If the fuel is fractured,  
69.66 -> the fuel particles can remain intact as they  are smaller than the smallest fragments. 
74.94 -> The core is assembled with enough fuel  and graphite blocks to produce heat  
79.14 -> through self-sustaining fission reactions. This fully ceramic core has the lowest power  
84.48 -> density of any commercial reactor ever –  allowing it to easily dissipate excess heat. 
90.48 -> To power it up, control rods are withdrawn  and the fission reactions can begin.  
94.68 -> But these reactions slow down at higher  temperatures, So to keep producing power,  
99.54 -> the reactor has to be cooled. If cooling  stops, the reactor automatically shuts down. 
106.14 -> Helium carries heat out of the nuclear core. It  is a harmless noble gas, completely unreactive  
112.44 -> and stable. And while somewhat inefficient,  it is the safest coolant available. 
117.84 -> Now, the problem with nuclear fuel is that  
120 -> it continues to generate heat even  after the reactor is powered down. 
123.96 -> It will continue to generate roughly 10% of  the original heat for hours and days to come.  
129.72 -> And if it's not cooled, that heat will  pile up. The challenge with nuclear has  
134.22 -> always been to ensure the reactor does  not damage itself when cooling is lost. 
138.06 -> The MMR can dissipate all excess  heat passively and harmlessly into  
143.1 -> the environment in any scenario. Like a warm  puck, it cools off just by sitting there. No  
148.32 -> moving parts or fluids. No operator actions.  Just simple cooling by conduction and glowing. 
153.72 -> This means the reactor can tolerate  extreme conditions and survive undamaged. 
158.64 -> It can deal with complete  withdrawal of all control rods. 
162.54 -> It doesn't need power to operate  cooling pumps or emergency systems. 
166.74 -> The MMR doesn't even need coolant or natural  air flow to stay at safe temperatures. 
172.32 -> It doesn't really need very much at all.     
175.14 -> Instead of designing elaborate safety  systems against particular scenarios,  
179.04 -> we’ve designed a reactor that is  inherently safe no matter the events. 
184.56 -> The MMR harnesses the fuel’s formidable  energy while fully containing its  
188.88 -> radioactivity during all encountered  conditions - be it normal operations,  
193.2 -> worst case accidents, or permanent storage.
198.18 -> This is ultra safe, the new  standard for nuclear safety.
