A Geopolitical Tour of the World

A Geopolitical Tour of the World

A Geopolitical Tour of the World

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A Geopolitical Tour of the World

Some of the topics I discuss I already have entire videos on:
Macedonia:    • Macedonia Naming Controversy Explained  
Catalonia:    • Catalonia Independence Referendum Exp…  
Cyprus:    • The Unsinkable Aircraft Carrier: Cypr…  
Taiwan:    • Is Taiwan a Country or Part of China?  
Western Sahara:    • Understanding Western Sahara  

Music by Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com/creator


0 -> hello and welcome to a geopolitical tour
2.22 -> of the world in this video I'm going to
4.11 -> take you on a gated journey around the
6.06 -> globe talking to you about some disputes
8.04 -> oddities complexities or just some
10.23 -> things are good to be aware of and this
11.88 -> complicated planet we live on some of
14.94 -> the things I'll be talking about I
15.96 -> already have entire videos on if you
18.029 -> want a deeper understanding we'll start
20.609 -> at the centre of the world the prime
22.74 -> meridian which goes through Greenwich
24.42 -> England this is because that's where the
26.76 -> British invented time in 1884 here we
31.529 -> have two independent countries the
33.51 -> United Kingdom of Great Britain and
34.98 -> Northern Ireland and the Republic of
36.93 -> Ireland the country of Ireland comprises
39.57 -> the majority of the island of Ireland
41.579 -> while the northern part called Northern
43.8 -> Ireland as one of the four constituent
46.26 -> countries of the United Kingdom Northern
48.719 -> Ireland doesn't really have an official
50.37 -> flag because it's population doesn't
51.96 -> exactly agree on whether they should
53.52 -> remain British or unite with the rest of
55.44 -> Ireland the other three constituent
57.48 -> countries are in Great Britain and
58.92 -> surrounding Manor Islands Scotland
60.899 -> England and Wales some people use the
63.449 -> terms Great Britain United Kingdom and
65.369 -> England interchangeably but please don't
67.619 -> as a Scottish really don't appreciate it
69.81 -> in fact many Scots don't want to be part
71.97 -> of the UK despite an unsuccessful
73.77 -> referendum in 2014 there's still a very
76.32 -> sizable independence movement even more
79.409 -> so since breaks it
81.38 -> so just remember Great Britain and
84 -> England the UK and independent country
86.729 -> made up of four non independent
88.35 -> countries and England one of those four
90.81 -> countries oh and there's also the ale of
93.509 -> mine Jersey and Guernsey which are
95.729 -> British but not part of the UK for some
98.34 -> reason they're referred to as chrome
100.32 -> dependencies okay we really need to move
103.259 -> on lots to cover if we go into the AC
105.75 -> north we find the Faroe Islands and
107.79 -> Greenland two places that you wouldn't
110.22 -> think have much in common but they do
112.32 -> they're both Danish they're both
114.689 -> autonomous territories of Denmark and
116.82 -> despite the immense difference in size
118.89 -> between the two they actually both have
121.049 -> a similar population of around 50,000
123.89 -> unsurprisingly Greenland is one of the
126.03 -> least densely populated parts of the
128.16 -> world the åland is literally
129.869 -> three-quarters ace now moving on to line
133.23 -> with
133.56 -> more hospitable climate mainland Europe
136.26 -> first thing to talk about is probably
138.36 -> the European Union an economic and
140.4 -> political union of 27 European states it
143.58 -> used to be 28 but you know breaks it and
146.55 -> the EU has what's called the Schengen
149.04 -> area an area of free travel in which
151.17 -> participating countries have abolished
152.58 -> border controls not all members of the
155.37 -> EU are part of this area and also some
157.29 -> non EU members are same with the euro
160.08 -> zone a monetary union in which all
161.97 -> countries use a shared currency the Euro
164.12 -> 19 of the 27 members are part of the
166.86 -> euro zone four countries have agreements
169.11 -> with the EU to officially use the euro
170.73 -> despite not being part of the EU and
172.5 -> then two others just sort of to say that
175.049 -> they wanted it to without any agreement
177.09 -> in place they're given how much
179.43 -> Europeans loved conquering the world for
181.47 -> a few centuries that are plenty of parts
183.36 -> of European countries outside of Europe
185.61 -> like the large part of France and South
187.769 -> America are smaller islands just off the
190.08 -> coast of Madagascar of course I won't be
192.48 -> able to cover up them all just a quick
195.12 -> mention about the Vatican City which is
197.4 -> considered a country the smallest in the
199.38 -> world entirely strange by Attlee but is
201.66 -> not a member of the United Nations
203.19 -> although as an observer state okay to
206.94 -> Spain next this region here is called
209.28 -> Catalonia it's one of the 17 autonomous
211.859 -> communities of Spain many Catalans have
214.5 -> been fighting for independence from
215.819 -> Spain over the last century with things
217.859 -> really picking up over the last decade
219.959 -> Catalonia saw permission from Madrid to
222.389 -> hold an independence referendum spin
224.519 -> said no Catalonia said they'll do it
226.56 -> anyway spin said we know that's illegal
228.389 -> but they did it anyway
230.04 -> the result was 92 percent in favour of
232.319 -> Independence but everyone who wanted to
234.81 -> remain parts being just boycotted the
236.94 -> vote so it doesn't really count the
239.519 -> president of Catalonia later declared
241.35 -> independence
242.1 -> soare of it was all very confusing and
244.829 -> nobody really knows what happened
246.12 -> Catalonia is still popping though and
248.489 -> the former president is currently living
250.139 -> in self-imposed exile and Belgium on the
253.709 -> southern coast the Iberian Peninsula
255.06 -> there's Gibraltar an overseas British
257.82 -> territory which was ceded from Spain
259.53 -> about three hundred years ago and just
261.329 -> across the Mediterranean there's a
263.34 -> couple of parts of Africa they're still
265.2 -> part of Spain
267.09 -> arrey what's next is the Balkans this is
270.79 -> a part of Europe in which everyone hates
272.5 -> each other probably the biggest point of
274.75 -> contention as the self-declared
276.13 -> partially recognized state of Kosovo or
279.13 -> the autonomous Serbian province of
281.05 -> Kosovo depending on your viewpoint the
283.6 -> prophets declared its independence in
285.07 -> 2008 after a war with Serbia a few years
288.04 -> earlier in which Kosovo received
289.75 -> military support from NATO the
292.03 -> population of kosovo is predominantly
293.98 -> albanian as well as this there is also
297.13 -> the near three-decade naming dispute
299.08 -> between Greece and massa
300.73 -> North Macedonia as it's now called
302.83 -> basically Macedonia is a large
304.96 -> geographic region much of which is in
306.88 -> Greece and was named as such after an
308.89 -> ancient Greek kingdom of macedon so
311.68 -> Greece wasn't too happy in 1981 when
313.72 -> their neighbor declared independence
315.01 -> from Yugoslavia as the Republic of
316.69 -> Macedonia due to Greek objections the
318.82 -> country was referred to as the Former
320.56 -> Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and
322.33 -> diplomatic organizations like the UN
324.04 -> after 28 years the insanity was finally
327.13 -> ended and the country was renamed the
328.75 -> Republic of North Macedonia but I'm
331.18 -> pretty sure neither side was really
332.68 -> happy without calm and they both still
334.39 -> hate each other on to Russia now this is
337.63 -> the Crimean Peninsula it was an expelled
339.79 -> from Ukraine and 2014 after a referendum
342.76 -> of questionable legitimacy it was only
346.39 -> actually part of Ukraine for about a
347.83 -> half a century since was transferred to
349.72 -> Ukraine while both were Soviet republics
352 -> Western governments and the UN do not
354.31 -> recognize the annexation and still
356.2 -> considered the peninsula to be part of
357.7 -> Ukraine nothing has actually been done
359.83 -> about it though one more part of Russia
362.68 -> that's good to be aware of is the small
364.45 -> aids clade here called the Kaliningrad
366.37 -> Oblast
367.27 -> it was originally part of the German
369.1 -> state of Prussia but the Soviet Union
371.08 -> cleaned it after the Allies victory in
372.76 -> world war ii and then after the fall of
375.01 -> the soviet union that became completely
376.87 -> cut off from the rest of russia
378.96 -> traveling to Russia's southern border
381.22 -> with Georgia Georgia has a somewhat
384.01 -> precarious political situation as it has
386.29 -> not one but two parts of the country
388.42 -> that have declared their independence of
390.22 -> cassia and South Ossetia both states
393.55 -> have control over the ADHD claim however
395.74 -> they very much lack international
397.75 -> recognition both states declared during
399.82 -> the payment
400.439 -> in the 1990s with backing from Russia
402.539 -> there was even a brief war over the
404.279 -> dispute between Georgia and Russia in
406.019 -> 2008 no prizes for guessing how that
408.779 -> turned out
410.269 -> next we'll take a trip down to the
412.349 -> Mediterranean to the beautiful summer
414.239 -> getaway of Cyprus the political
416.939 -> situation here though as a bear ugly the
420.059 -> Ale it is currently divided between the
421.769 -> country of Cyprus and the unrecognized
423.419 -> Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus the
426.779 -> zun buffer zone separating the two
428.639 -> political entities that was established
430.349 -> after the inter-ethnic violence between
431.969 -> the Greeks and the Turks of the åland
433.469 -> erupted in the 1960s shortly after
436.11 -> Cyprus gained independence from the UK
437.969 -> there was a Greek who followed by a
440.369 -> Turkish invasion and they all got very
442.499 -> messy oh and there's also some British
444.869 -> bases in Ireland I guess the strategic
446.849 -> location was just too valuable to give
448.739 -> up moving further south and on to Africa
451.889 -> probably the most noticeable
453.509 -> geopolitical dispute in Africa is the
455.639 -> area known as Western Sahara the region
458.369 -> is claimed and mostly controlled by
460.229 -> Morocco but the region has also been
462.449 -> proclaimed as the independent country of
464.249 -> the Sirah we out of democratic republic
466.259 -> by the indigenous rebel group of the
468.119 -> Polisario Front were started off by
470.49 -> fighting against Spanish colonial rule
472.229 -> in the 1970s in 1976 Spain just sort of
476.369 -> knocked over the whole situation and
478.559 -> debated the region between Morocco and
480.419 -> another neighboring country Mauritania
482.369 -> who also claimed the region a latane but
484.889 -> not anymore on the opposite coast of
487.229 -> Africa we have a Somalia at which once
489.599 -> again is a dispute caused by the
491.159 -> Europeans Somaliland was controlled by
493.559 -> the British
494.369 -> while the rest of why's today the
495.689 -> country of Somalia was controlled by
497.309 -> Attlee in 1960 the two were joined to
500.369 -> make a new independent country
502.019 -> Somaliland declared independence in 1991
504.779 -> and a civil war has been ongoing ever
506.999 -> since now moving on to the metal alpha
512.75 -> okay so it's quite literally impossible
515.339 -> to give any kind of explanation of what
516.959 -> the hell is going on here in just a
518.219 -> couple of minutes so just keep in mind
519.569 -> that everything I say is going to be way
521.279 -> over simplified before the beginning of
523.769 -> the currently ongoing situation there is
525.569 -> an area called Palestine which was under
527.61 -> British administration in 1948 the
530.309 -> United Nations passed a resolution to
531.99 -> partition
532.59 -> between Jewish and Arab communities the
534.779 -> descendants of these out of communities
536.279 -> in this region and refugee camps nearby
538.44 -> are what we today call Palestinians
540.54 -> after the resolution was passed the
542.4 -> State of Israel was declared this led to
544.38 -> the first of several wars with its
545.94 -> neighbors in which Israel was often
547.35 -> fighting against most or all of them at
549.21 -> once territory in this region has
551.22 -> bounced back and forth between different
552.839 -> countries and organizations many times
554.61 -> today Israel's also in control of the
556.95 -> Golan Heights where she'd captured from
558.39 -> Syria in 1967 now as well as Israel we
561.99 -> also have the state of Palestine
563.55 -> declared in 1988 which is a partially
566.279 -> recognized state with observer status at
568.17 -> the United Nations his claimed territory
570.27 -> as the West Bank in which an interim
572.37 -> division agreement was reached with
573.57 -> Israel and the 90s as well as the Gaza
575.82 -> Strip which has actually been controlled
577.71 -> by Hamas since 2007 a Palestinian
580.71 -> political party and variously described
582.69 -> as a terrorist organization things are
584.88 -> even more complicated in Jerusalem an
586.8 -> ancient city with profound significance
588.27 -> to Jews Muslims and Christians the city
591.3 -> is fully controlled by Israel but
592.89 -> claimed by both groups as their capital
594.81 -> though with different parts the city
596.67 -> being claimed by each group on top of
599.01 -> all of this there's also the issue of
600.42 -> Israeli settlements which we don't have
602.31 -> time to get to and I'd really like to
603.839 -> move on that please staying in the
606.33 -> Middle East there's the situation in
607.86 -> Syria in which a devastating multi-sided
610.29 -> Civil War has been ongoing for nearly 10
612.51 -> years now this began with a series of
614.88 -> anti-government protests part of a
616.92 -> broader movement known as the Arab
618.63 -> Spring which was violently suppressed
620.69 -> the conflict is one of the bloodiest of
623.25 -> the 21st century and has spilled over to
625.47 -> several neighboring countries there's
628.65 -> also the situation in Iraq that is still
631.23 -> ongoing conflict that stemmed from the
633.12 -> us-led invasion in 2003 to topple the
636.03 -> government of Saddam Hussein with Isis
638.61 -> having mostly lost their territory in
640.35 -> Iraq the violence is continued in the
642.18 -> form of an insurgency featuring several
644.43 -> rebel groups Isis was defeated in the
646.92 -> Civil War with help from the Kurds a
649.05 -> distinct ethnic group in northern Iraq
651.12 -> that is seeking independence the people
653.459 -> overwhelmingly voted in favour of
655.14 -> independence spot the Iraqi government
657.089 -> in the referendum illegal all right
660.12 -> let's move east of the metal east and on
662.67 -> to the Indian subcontinent where we
664.23 -> found the disputed region of Jammu
665.98 -> and cashmere basically this idea was a
668.53 -> princely state of India while under
670.36 -> British control and in 1947 when India
673.15 -> was divided into India and Pakistan
675.57 -> disagreements about which country to
677.47 -> join caused conflict and a de facto
679.45 -> partition of the region that remains
681.37 -> unresolved this day around here is also
685.27 -> several territorial disputes between
686.77 -> India and China along their extensive
688.84 -> border all of which are controlled by
691.12 -> China and speaking of China there's
693.67 -> plenty here to talk about - we've got
695.95 -> today it's Hong Kong Taiwan and probably
698.62 -> much more we don't have time for so
701.92 -> Tibet Tibet is an autonomous region of
704.71 -> the People's Republic of China the
706.51 -> Tibetan people are ethnically distinct
708.49 -> from the Han Chinese majority but the
710.53 -> area has been under Chinese control for
712.27 -> three hundred years
713.17 -> however when in pedia rule in China came
715.63 -> to an end with the fall of the Qing
716.8 -> Dynasty in 1912 today experienced a few
719.68 -> decades of the facto independence this
722.65 -> is when China became a republic for the
724.51 -> first time however when a civil war
726.82 -> broke out between the government and the
728.32 -> Communist rebellion the Communist won
730.6 -> and proclaimed the People's Republic of
732.55 -> China the new communist government
734.68 -> annexed Abed in 1951 albeit with
737.68 -> resistance from Tibet a thousand strong
739.78 -> army now that civil war that was won by
743.47 -> the communists the losing saved the
745.99 -> Republic of China didn't just disappear
748.72 -> in fact this brings us on to our next
751.03 -> stop Taiwan this is where the Republican
753.94 -> / Nationalist government fled to in 1949
757.21 -> while this country is commonly referred
759.28 -> to as Taiwan it's name is actually
761.2 -> unchanged this day the Republic of China
763.6 -> China's stove used haiwan as part of its
766.18 -> territory despite the People's Republic
767.77 -> never having any jurisdiction over the
770.26 -> åland in their history Taiwan has its
772.72 -> own government president militarily etc
775.18 -> etc and is just like any other country
777.34 -> in most ways however given how powerful
779.86 -> China as officially acknowledged in
781.99 -> Taiwan means China
783.43 -> cutting all ties both diplomatic and
785.92 -> more importantly economic Taiwan is not
789.55 -> a member of the UN but plenty of
791.35 -> countries have unofficial relations with
793.45 -> Taipei
794.77 -> there's also Hong Kong which is part of
797.57 -> China but has a special administrative
799.67 -> status under the so called one China two
802.22 -> systems policy mass protests took place
805.37 -> throughout much of 2019 when a
807.44 -> controversial extradition bill was
809.42 -> proposed even after the bail was
811.52 -> withdrawn protests continued for fill
813.86 -> democracy with a list of five demands
816.94 -> protesters were often subject to police
819.5 -> brutality and arrest Hong Kong used to
822.589 -> be British until 1997 when it was
825.02 -> transferred back to China with a 50-year
827.36 -> agreement the Hong Kong would not be
829.01 -> subject to mainland China's economic
830.75 -> system literally no one knows what
834.14 -> happened in 2047 witness agreement
836.57 -> expires close by there's also North and
840.17 -> South Korea Korea had been annexed by
842.63 -> Japan in 1910 but with the Japanese
844.85 -> defeat in world war ii the peninsula was
847.01 -> to be temporarily divided the Soviet
850.52 -> Union controlled North and the United
852.35 -> States the south with the plan to
854.029 -> unified Korea into one country but then
857.33 -> the Cold War happened and suddenly the
859.01 -> two countries controlling Korea hated
860.63 -> each other and were less willing to
862.07 -> cooperate
862.7 -> there was a three-year war which didn't
865.19 -> really accomplish much except massive
867.32 -> casualties on both sides North Korea is
870.589 -> the most isolated country in the world
872.779 -> with its population unable to leave on
875.209 -> with little knowledge of the outside
876.529 -> world North Korea has nuclear weapons
879.23 -> though paints the lack of intervention
881.95 -> elsewhere in Asia to be aware of there's
884.42 -> a country that nobody really knows what
885.98 -> to call it Burma or Myanmar and there's
888.589 -> also the South China Sea which is the
890.72 -> most disputed part of the entire planet
892.94 -> cleaned by like 40 countries or
895.399 -> something probably where do we go from
898.79 -> here we can probably just skip over
901.13 -> Australia and all that down there
902.839 -> they're pretty chill not too much to
904.73 -> talk about licensed dads go all the way
907.01 -> across the Pacific Ocean which is mostly
909.29 -> empty except for Hawaii which is part of
911.69 -> the United States but has a Union Jack
913.37 -> on its flag for some reason so now
916.22 -> around the Americas North and South
918.2 -> America although some people especially
920.24 -> from Latin America refer to them as one
922.55 -> continent America singular
925.459 -> her English speakers generally used this
927.199 -> word to refer to the country the United
929.089 -> States there's plenty going on in the
931.879 -> Caribbean there are 13 independent
934.04 -> nations most of which no one has ever
935.66 -> heard of as well as European colonies
937.91 -> and territories and also abandoned part
940.189 -> of Colombia kill flag though oh and
943.009 -> Puerto Rico that wants to awkwardly add
945.11 -> a 51st star to the American flag a
947.98 -> particularly peculiar case as with a
950.24 -> bunch of Dutch islands Aruba curaçao and
952.67 -> Sint Maarten which are actually
954.41 -> countries within the Kingdom of the
955.879 -> Netherlands making up for constituent
957.889 -> countries along with the Netherlands
959.449 -> itself somewhat similar to the UK both
962.72 -> in the constituent country of the
964.189 -> Netherlands there are three more
965.6 -> Caribbean islands Bonaire Sint Eustatius
967.61 -> and Saba here's a Venn diagram to help
970.519 -> you elsewhere in the Americas there's
973.189 -> the Falkland Islands British islands
975.079 -> with British people who nearly
976.579 -> unanimously voted to remain a British
978.29 -> territory but for some reason Argentina
980.329 -> claims the master own they even fought a
982.699 -> brief war in 1982 when Argentina invaded
985.279 -> the islands but this only happened
987.139 -> because the dictator was trying to
988.459 -> distract his people from the country's
990.019 -> failing economy let's see what else
993.499 -> well there's Antarctica which is mostly
995.869 -> just ice and snow but he is land so
998.329 -> countries will try and stick a flag in
1000.009 -> and claim as their own because why not
1001.99 -> at this point their various claims the
1004.54 -> continent some of which overlap as well
1006.73 -> some unclaimed land but it's mostly
1008.74 -> irrelevant because of the Antarctic
1010.569 -> Treaty the treaty has suspended all new
1013.209 -> claims guarantees freedom for scientific
1015.519 -> exploration and a ban of all military
1017.529 -> activity sometimes when we look at the
1021.549 -> world the lanes on a map don't fully do
1023.799 -> justice to the situation on the ground
1025.649 -> you often have to look beyond the
1028.029 -> borders to see what lies beneath
1030.149 -> geopolitics can be both complicated and
1033.13 -> fascinating in equal measure and it's
1035.289 -> always good to know what's going on in
1037.24 -> the world a great way to keep yourself
1040.659 -> informed as by watching documentaries on
1042.669 -> curiosity stream an online streaming
1044.74 -> service with thousands of titles on
1046.539 -> science technology history lifestyle and
1049 -> so much more I recently watched a great
1051.52 -> documentary about tsunamis and how
1053.559 -> scientists are trying to learn more and
1055.179 -> more about in
1055.929 -> help better prepare for future disasters
1057.759 -> you can start watching for just $2.99 a
1061.389 -> month by signing up by curiosity stream
1063.549 -> comm forward slash wonder why with your
1066.669 -> subscription you'll also get access to
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1073.299 -> original content such as the multi
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1083.95 -> all time go check it out
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1088.269 -> forward slash wonder why thanks so much
1090.999 -> for watching and I'll see you next time

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZJFozFsnIU